God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 3003 You little bastard

Chapter 3003 You little bastard


"You little bastard, are you trying to annoy me on purpose? You can catch them all, but you want to avoid them?! Do you know how much this old man likes this tea set?!" Long Wuyan gritted his teeth Li forced out such a sentence.

Who knows, after Gong Wuxie heard this, she looked calm, turned her eyes away disapprovingly, and said disapprovingly, "If Master really cared, he wouldn't throw everything out. Now If something breaks, I can't do anything about it, the only one to blame is Master, you yourself are uneasy."

"It's your grandma's!" Long Wuyan kicked over, who knew that Gong Wuxie dodged him, and in anger, Long Wuyan kicked over again, successfully hitting Gong Wu. Xie, "You have been away for so many days, I think your heart is so wild that you don't know where you have gone? Look at you, what are you doing here! What a pity and waste that you came back , you go out, you go out quickly, I can't keep you here, you go out quickly, go where you should go, and save me from getting angry with you here all day long."

Long Wuyan's angry look made Leng Wuxie look indifferent here, but at this moment, he just lowered his eyes and said disapprovingly, "Master is so old, he still looks like a child. , This problem should also be corrected."

"Bullshit! Haven't you heard that sentence? You are a teacher for a day and a father for life. I am old. How can there be such an unfilial guy like you, who can't do other things all day long, and you know that you will make me angry? I told you You, I can't bear you anymore, if you keep swearing in front of the old man, the old man will definitely press you on his knees and spank your ass, don't believe it!" Long Wuyan became more and more angry, cursing, "I I shouldn't have let you go out to see if you're a typical quitter, you can see how long you've been out and your own physical condition, don't you know?"

"I always take the elixir that Master refines with me, and I always remember to take it on time, so Master can rest assured." Gong Wuxie reacted calmly. He looked at the angry Long Wuyan and continued, "Get up , this time is different from usual, Tuer does have very important things to attend to."

Long Wuyan seemed to be at odds with Gong Wuxie, rolled up his sleeves and wanted to have a fight with Gong Wuxie, "Okay, okay, tell me, I want to see what farts you kid is going to fart."

"Master, when I went to the Forgotten City this time, I encountered a yellow sand monster controlled by Huitong." Gong Wuxie said straight to the point in a simple and horrified manner.

This time Long Wuyan stopped talking, the expression on his face seemed to freeze instantly, he stared at Gong Wuxie with a cold face and said, "Tell me carefully, what's going on?"

Gong Wuxie didn't hesitate, and quickly and carefully told Long Wuyan the whole story.

Long Wuyan frowned and listened, with a thoughtful expression on his face, "So, Xia Zishang is the person we are looking for?"

"Not necessarily. After all, there are too many people related to Empress Nuwa, and I am not sure that Xia Zishang is the person we are looking for. It is also to confirm that I wasted a few days in the palace..." Gong Wuxie didn't squint, and said seriously without blushing.

(End of this chapter)

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