God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 3004 Doubt Xia Zishang

Chapter 3004 Doubt Xia Zishang
Who knew that Long Wuyan showed a disgusted expression after hearing Gong Wuxie's words.

That's right, it's the expression of disgust, the disgust in Long Wuyan's brows is almost overflowing from those eyes, after casting a ruthless glance at Gong Wuxie, he snorted twice in disgust, "Don't you be here Talk to me about this kind of high-sounding reason here. You know why you stay in the palace to guard Xia Zishang better than I do. Ever since you went to participate in the National Teachers Competition, I felt strange. Looking at it now Look, you kid is really powerful, do you know who Xuanyuan Yelan is, you dare to even his woman..."

Long Wuyan didn't finish his sentence, so Long Wuyan glanced over here, so that Long Wuyan had to swallow back what he hadn't finished speaking, and said calmly after clearing his throat, "Since you doubt Xia Zishang's words now, you have to keep an eye on her, otherwise, if something happens, we won't even have a chance to regret it." Long Wuyan said seriously, "Since you want to follow , then you can follow Xia Zishang, and you can report to the family at any time if there is anything."

"Master, don't worry, you don't need to be so troublesome. I have already found a way to lurk beside Xia Zishang." Gong Wuxie knew that Long Wuyan was puzzled, so she took the initiative to explain, "I have already told Xia Zishang that I am Gong Shi. People of the same family."

After Long Wuyan heard this, Gong Wuxie almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. He clutched his heart, rolled his eyes and ouched twice, "Are you going to kill me? Why don't you just kill me?" Me! Are you kidding yourself like this? You are worried that the undead will not be able to keep an eye on you, right? You are so crazy, so powerful!"

"At that time, there was no other way. In order to protect Xia Zishang, I could only give her a solid heart pill. To gain Xuanyuan Yelan's trust, I could only tell about the Gong clan. But master, don't worry, they They don't know that I am Gong Wuxie, nor do they know my identity in the Gong family." Leng Xie continued.

After hearing this, Long Wuyan still kept a serious expression on his face, "You seem to be very proud! That's fine, I don't bother to care about you. Since the matter is already like this, then you should take good care of yourself in Xia Tian. Be with Zishang. However, you have to remember that you must not reveal your identity until it is absolutely necessary. Don’t always be so stupid and say what you shouldn’t say. Do you know? ?”

"Yes. Besides, Master, there is one more thing I want to ask Master." After finishing speaking, Gong Wuxie told Long Wuyan what she had just agreed to Shen Wang and the others.

Long Wuyan was so angry, he really wanted to give Gong Wuxie a hard fist.

But what can Long Wuyan do? After all, he is the apprentice he has accepted, even if he is mad, he can't ignore it, so he can only grit his teeth and agree, and then reluctantly follow Gong Wuxie to find Xia Zi Chang and the others discussed the next cooperation.

At the same time, Xia Zishang's side.

In the huge conference room, after hearing Xia Zishang's information from Lily, everyone's faces were full of surprise, and they all looked like they couldn't believe it.

"It's no wonder that the people of Wujimen have been so quiet these days, it turns out that such a big conspiracy is brewing!" Young Master Yueqing said with a face full of shock.

(End of this chapter)

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