God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 714 Can't bear the weight of the coffin

Chapter 714 Can't bear the weight of the coffin

Steward Yu and his team were dressed strangely, their figures disappeared into the night like ghosts, and they rushed to the door of Li Dayuan's house as quickly as possible.

Originally thought that Li Dayuan had been waiting outside the door, but to Steward Yu's surprise, when they arrived outside Li Dayuan's house, they saw that the door was locked and the room was quiet, even the lights were not on.

"Go and knock on the door." Butler Yu said with a downcast face.

The surrounding area was terribly quiet, the servant hurried forward and knocked on the door.

The sound of knocking on the door was very hasty, breaking the tranquility of the night, and it sounded harsh.

"Butler Yu, there seems to be no one in the room." The servant knocked hard a few times but no one came to open the door, so he returned to his original position and said to Butler Yu.

"Damn Li Dayuan, if I miss the auspicious time to pick up my relatives, I will definitely let him go around!" Yu Butler looked cold and winked at the servants, "Don't worry about it so much, pry the door open , don’t keep the lords and ladies waiting.”

The servants didn't dare to delay, they rushed up to pry the door in twos.

However, what the servants didn't expect was that they only pried it twice, and found that the door was pried open by them without much effort.

A gust of wind rushed from the house to the servants, they were all a little scared, and turned to look at Steward Yu.

"Housekeeper, it's a little strange..."

"What's so strange? Li Dayuan is not at home, we just took the female corpse and left." Steward Yu said disapprovingly.

The voice of the servant who opened the door trembled uncontrollably, at this moment he said tremblingly, "But Steward Yu, this door was locked from the house, this Li Dayuan should be at home!"

Butler Yu's face immediately changed.

But he quickly calmed down.

"Hmm... Maybe Li Dayuan drank too much again. Go and take the female corpse away. I'll go to the second floor and look for Li Dayuan." Steward Yu ordered after hesitantly.

The servants didn't dare to resist, they entered the store in the dark, lit the kerosene lamp on the table, and soon found the female corpse lying in the coffin, quietly as if asleep.

They all couldn't help admiring the jade-like face of the female corpse, and the servants didn't dare to be careless, so they closed the coffin.

The servants with red cloths tied to their arms, four on each side, tied the coffin to the wooden pole with ropes, and lifted the deadly heavy coffin like a sedan chair.

It was obvious that there was only a thin female corpse lying in the coffin, but the eight strong men lifted the coffin with all their strength.

They strenuously carried the coffin and walked out, every step was extremely difficult.

But they didn't dare to let go, the most taboo of carrying the coffin for a yin marriage, they dare not make any mistakes.

Just when the big men finally moved to the door and were about to be unable to bear the weight of the coffin, the weight on the coffin disappeared completely the moment they left the door and became a normal weight.

The eight people just felt relieved, they carried the coffin and left Li Dayuan's shop with ease, and greeted Butler Yu who went up to the second floor of the shop, "Butler Yu, the matter is over, come down quickly."

"Here we come." Butler Yu replied from the second floor.

He stood on the second floor with a white lantern, and looked around in confusion.

This is the place where Li Dayuan sleeps, the place is not big, there is only a bed and a table, but Li Dayuan is not seen.

"Where did this Li Dayuan go?" Steward Yu stood in front of the table and asked in confusion.

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from behind Steward Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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