God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 715 See Grandpa

Chapter 715 See Grandpa

There was a clicking sound, not loud, but it seemed particularly eerie in this silent night.

The hairs on Butler Yu's back stood on end, and he suddenly thought of what the servants had just said.

This door is locked from the inside, there should be other people in Li Dayuan's shop...

Cold sweat broke out uncontrollably on his forehead, butler Yu gritted his teeth, turned his head and looked behind him suddenly.

However, he only saw Li Dayuan's empty bed.

At this moment, a perfectly round bead rolled over from nowhere, and rolled all the way to Steward Yu's feet.

When Housekeeper Yu saw the bead, he couldn't move his eyes away.

It was a faint blue bead, with a smooth surface emitting a faint light, and it looked inexplicably attractive.

Steward Yu's heart moved, he put the lantern on the ground, and lowered his head to pick up the bead.

The dim light of the lantern projected to the bottom of the bed, reflecting an extremely terrifying face.

I saw Li Dayuan huddled under the bed with a livid complexion, he was out of breath now, only the expression on his face was full of horror, and his eyes were open angrily.I don't know what terrible thing he saw at the last moment of his life, his eyes were bloodshot, he opened his mouth wide in horror, and stared straight at the direction of Butler Yu.

As long as Steward Yu raised his eyes, he could see this terrifying scene.

But Butler Yu didn't, he straightened up after picking up the bead, then carefully held the bead in his palm and turned it around.

The cold and strange touch makes people infatuated, Yu Butler seems to have picked up a treasure, after putting the beads in his arms, he lifted the lantern, turned around and went downstairs.

"Let's go. Go back to the mansion." Butler Yu left Li Dayuan's shop, led the servant who was carrying the coffin, and headed towards General Ouyang's mansion.

The night is getting darker, and the sunrise is ushered in in a blink of an eye.

Early in the morning, after the children finished their breakfast, Xuanyuan Yelan took them into the palace carriage.

Qingcheng was still a little sleepy, she leaned on Xuanyuan Yelan, rubbed her watery eyes sleepily, "Fairy Daddy, where are we going?"

"Let's go into the palace, Daddy will take you to meet your grandfather." Xuanyuan Yelan said with a slight smile.

"Grandfather... is that grandpa?" Yun Yu asked in surprise, "We still have grandpa?"

"Well, your grandfather lives in the most magnificent palace in the palace, and you will see him soon." Xuanyuan Yelan said.

"Father, why didn't we bring mother along today?" Qing Mo was the most sensitive, looking up at Xuanyuan Yelan in puzzlement and asked.

"Next time, I can bring your mother with me." After Xuanyuan Yelan finished speaking, she raised her hand to touch Qingcheng's little face, "Qingcheng, do you want to see grandpa?"

"I want to." Qingcheng said sweetly, "It's the first time Qingcheng has seen grandpa. I really want to see grandpa."

"Grandpa wants to see you too. Well, here we are, let's get out of the car." While Xuanyuan Yelan was speaking, the carriage stopped, and he got out of the car first, and then carried the three little buns out of the car one by one.

Soon, the news that Xuanyuan Yelan entered the palace to ask to see His Majesty spread to Xuanyuan Lintian's imperial study.

In the imperial study room, Xuanyuan Lintian and Yun Suxian were drinking tea.

After hearing the news of Xuanyuan Yelan's entry into the palace, Yun Suxian raised her eyes, and then put the peeled walnuts into Xuanyuan Lintian's mouth, "Your Majesty, do you want to summon the Night King?"

"See, why don't you see me?" Xuanyuan Lintian said with a cold face, "I happened to be looking for him, and asked him what he was busy with these days, and it is really outrageous to leave the Princess alone in the palace!"

 It was updated regularly last night, and the system removed it even more wrongly. Now it has been replaced with the correct chapter. Concubines, you can refresh and watch it again~!

  It's the last day of this month!Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets and continue to rush!Two more chapters will be added during the day!Ask for a reward, okay!Good night!
(End of this chapter)

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