God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 716 They Are the Children of Erchen and Shanger

Chapter 716 They Are the Children of Erchen and Shanger

Yun Suxian saw that Xuanyuanlin's weather was not light, so she hurriedly stepped forward, stretched out her slender hands to put on his chest, and calmed him down.

"Your Majesty, don't rush to get angry. Let's see what Yelan has to say later."

As soon as Xuanyuan Lintian raised his hand, he gently pushed Yun Suxian aside, with a gloomy face, obviously not very happy.

Seeing this, Yun Suxian was sensible and did not say any more, but gritted her teeth secretly.

Following the sound of the eunuch's communication, the door was slowly pushed open, and Xuanyuan Yelan walked in slowly, accompanied by three little dolls.

Xuanyuan Lintian was about to directly get angry at Xuanyuan Yelan, but when he saw the three pink and jade-carved little dolls, the words he was about to blurt suddenly stuck in his throat, making him unable to say a word Out.

He stared at the three little dolls who were somewhat similar in appearance with unbelievable eyes, and for a moment he didn't know what kind of reaction he should make.

Yun Suxian also looked at the three little buns in a daze, her expression full of disbelief.

"I've seen my father and my mother." Xuanyuan Yelan walked up to Xuanyuan Lintian and Yun Suxian with steady steps, and bowed to them both.

Qingmo, Yunyu and Qingcheng, before coming to the palace, their mother taught them some court etiquette, so they also saluted Xuanyuan Lintian and Yun Suxian in a decent manner.

"This is..." Xuanyuan Lintian managed to recover, pointed to the three little buns, and asked Xuanyuan Yelan.

Xuanyuan Yelan looked at the three little buns and gave them a look.

The three little buns understood immediately, got up and ran to Xuanyuan Lintian.

Xuanyuan Lintian's heart softened for no reason when he saw three exquisite little buns who looked like porcelain dolls running towards him.

He hasn't reached the point of blindness yet, so he can naturally see that these three children look somewhat similar to Xuanyuan Yelan.

Could it be that this is Yelan's child?

This thought flashed through Xuanyuan Lintian's mind, and it actually made his heart beat uncontrollably faster.

In front of Xuanyuan Lintian, Qingcheng looked up at Xuanyuan Lintian with a baby fat face, and asked childishly, "My father said that you are the emperor and our grandfather. My brothers and I can call you grandpa." ?"

The soft and waxy voice of the little girl fell in Xuanyuan Lintian's ears, it was like the sound of heaven.

Qing Mo and Yun Yu, like Qing Cheng, looked at Xuanyuan Lintian expectantly with small faces, waiting for his answer.

Being stared at by the three well-behaved little buns with wet eyes, Xuanyuan Lintian couldn't keep a cold face no matter what, but he didn't know how to answer the three little buns, so he looked at Xuanyuan Yelan.

The doubtful and disbelieving eyes were obviously asking Xuanyuan Yelan what was going on.

"Yelan, what's the matter with these three children? Are they your children?" Yun Suxian asked directly impatiently.

Xuanyuan Yelan nodded with a flat expression, and said, "Exactly, they are the children of Erchen and Changer, and they are blood relatives."

The words "close relatives by blood" caused Yun Suxian's complexion to change suddenly, and a deep haze flashed across his eyes.

"Is this true?" Xuanyuan Lin asked in surprise.

Xuanyuan Yelan nodded, and said to Xuanyuan Lintian, "How dare I fool my father with the matter of the royal blood? They are indeed my blood."

 Add more 1, there is another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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