God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 722 Your bride is right outside the door

Chapter 722 Your bride is right outside the door

When Taoist Sima was wondering, the female ghost suddenly turned her head and looked in his direction from the air.

Taoist Sima saw a large amount of blood pouring out of the seven orifices of the female ghost. It opened its eyes, but there were no eyeballs in the eye sockets. Terrified sneer.

"Ah!" Daoist Sima yelled in fright, then quickly shook his head in fright.

The evildoer, the evildoer!

Taoist Sima was so frightened that he was about to scold the female ghost, but unexpectedly, the scene in front of him suddenly flickered. The terrifying scene he saw just now was just a fantasy, the female ghost did not bleed from the seven orifices at all, and did not look at him. His eyes were still tightly closed, and he just stood there quietly.

Daoist Sima was stunned, raised his hand in disbelief and rubbed his eyes.

Strange, is he wrong?
Taoist Sima didn't have time to think about it, because he could clearly feel that the air flowing around him gradually became strange, and Ouyang Fei looked at him with deep suspicion.

Resisting the chill that welled up in his heart, Taoist Sima laughed heartily and cupped his hands at Ouyang Fei and Mrs. Min, "Congratulations, general, congratulations, madam! The reason why this girl entered the door without waiting for the young master to pick her up is precisely because of her The young master and the young master are a natural pair, and their marriage is destined, so when the poor Taoist summoned the spirit just now, he also summoned the soul of this girl. A happy woman's life!"

"So that's the case." Min's hanging heart was relieved, and she turned her head gently to look at Ouyang Fei beside her, and said softly, "Master, I can rest assured that Rong'er has this female servant underground. .”

Ouyang Fei sighed with a vicissitudes on his face, "Madam is right, let's continue, Master."

"Yes." Taoist Sima secretly glanced at the female ghost from the corner of his eye.

The female ghost stood obediently outside the door, without any evil spirit around her.

Taoist Sima felt that it should be because of his recent soaring spiritual power, so when he summoned the soul of the young master, he also summoned the soul of the woman.

Thinking about it, Taoist Sima suppressed his uneasiness, took a deep breath and said loudly, "Young Master, your bride is right outside the door, please bring your bride in."

After Daoist Sima said this, the young master's soul floated out of the coffin lightly, and then floated towards the female ghost.

The young master and the female ghost looked at each other, and then stretched out their somewhat illusory palms to the female ghost.

Daoist Sima tried to control the female ghost with a trace of apprehension.

The spirit summoning technique he used, after summoning the soul, the soul will be under his control.

Fortunately, Taoist Sima moved his mind, and under his control, the female ghost raised her fingers to interlock with the young master's, and then the two ghosts stood side by side, floated into the courtyard from the door, and came to the ready room. before the altar.

Both the young master and the female ghost have good faces. The young master is 15 years old, and together with the female ghost, they really look like a loving couple.

Both Ouyang Fei and Min's were very satisfied with the female ghost, and kept nodding in relief.

"The wedding begins—!" Daoist Sima yelled, and then shook the bell in his hand vigorously, "Bow, bow to Yinyue!"

The young master and the female ghost bowed heavily to the blood moon in the sky together.

(End of this chapter)

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