God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 723 The Corpse Has Been Brought

Chapter 723 The Corpse Has Been Brought

"Second obeisance, obeisance to parents!" Taoist Sima said again.

The two ghosts turned around at the same time and bowed to Ouyang Fei and Min Shi.

Seeing this scene, Taoist priest Sima finally let go of his nervousness, "Three bows, husband and wife bow to each other!"

The young master and the female ghost turned around, and they were facing each other.

Under the control of Taoist Sima, the young master was about to bow down, but unexpectedly, the female ghost suddenly stretched out an illusory hand and pinched the young master's shoulder.

Taoist Sima felt a chill spread all over his body, and then he sat limply on the ground, and suddenly he couldn't control the female ghost's movements.

The female ghost smiled and leaned closer to the young master's ear.

As if whispering softly to her lover, the female ghost pressed her lips close to the young master's ear, and said a word to it.

Immediately, the expression of the young master who was originally dull and gentle quickly distorted, his whole face wrinkled into a ball, and he let out a hysterical scream from his throat.

Sharp screams pierced the sky, the young master struggled vigorously, his translucent soul convulsed violently, frantically trying to shake off the female ghost.

The female ghost chuckled, and her sharp nails pierced deeply into the young master's shoulder.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The young master's scream became even more horrific, his body was swinging uncontrollably like a puppet on a string, it seemed to want to escape, but the female ghost in front of him didn't give him any chance to leave at all.

"Master, look quickly! The shoulder of Rong'er's corpse is bleeding!" Shi Min tremblingly pointed at the young master's corpse in the coffin, and saw the same blood hole appearing on the corpse's shoulder, and the blackened blood was flowing continuously at this moment gushing from the wound.

"Rong'er!" Seeing this scene, Ouyang Fei stood up abruptly, pointed at Taoist Sima's nose and shouted, "What the hell is going on!"

Ouyang flew a lion's roar from the east of the river, so frightened Taoist Sima almost peed his pants, and quickly jumped up from the ground with a carp.

"Quick, quickly bring the female corpse in!" Daoist Sima roared angrily, pulled out the mahogany sword behind him, and stabbed at the female ghost, "How dare you resist!"

Before Daoist Sima stabbed with his sword, the female ghost turned her head, pointed at Taoist Sima's face, and spewed out a foul-smelling Yin Qi.

Daoist Sima caught off guard and inhaled Yin Qi, his face turned blue and purple, and then he vomited out a big mouthful of poisonous blood with a puff.

Such a strong Yin Qi!
Daoist Sima was being invaded by Yin Qi at this moment, his body was like falling into a cellar of ice, he was so cold that his breath was almost frozen.

Forcing himself not to faint, Taoist Sima bit the tip of his tongue, and a stream of blood shot out of his mouth, landing on the back of the female ghost.

"Yeah!" The female ghost let out a roar, glared at Taoist Sima fiercely with her backhand, then roared angrily, raised her hand and slapped Taoist Sima away!
"Ah!" Taoist Sima fell to the ground heavily, and spat out another mouthful of blood.

Quickly peeling off his clothes, Taoist Sima looked down and saw the dark ghost handprint on his chest.

The female ghost gave two sinister laughs, lifted the young master by the collar, and in turn opened her mouth to bite the young master's throat!
The young master's eyes were empty, and his soul trembled violently like sifting chaff. It stared round those eyes, like a dying fish, powerless to fight back.

At this time, Butler Yu also hurriedly asked his men to carry the female ghost's body over.

"Master, the corpse is here!" Steward Yu shouted, sweating all over his face in fright.

Who knew that Steward Yu's call would actually attract the female ghost's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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