Chapter 726

Xia Zishang's heart softened, and the eyes that looked at Xuanyuan Yelan were also full of tenderness.

"Yes, please, Your Highness Yewang, please, Mr. Xia." Butler Yu didn't notice this, and now he finally caught the straw, a joyful smile appeared on his mourning face, and he hurriedly made a gesture to the two of them. A gesture of please.

A group of people got into the carriage to the General's Mansion, and arrived at the General's Mansion in a short while.

The general's mansion was full of depression. Xia Zishang just got out of the car and stepped into the mansion, and felt the yin entanglement in the air.

However, this Yin Qi seems to be different from ordinary Yin Qi.

Xia Zishang paused, carefully feeling the yin in the air, obviously felt something abnormal, but couldn't tell what was wrong.

Butler Yu immediately entered the door to inform that Ouyang Fei learned that Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang were coming together, and immediately asked someone to invite them to the living room.

As soon as she entered the waiting room, Xia Zishang saw a burly middle-aged man dressed in Washington, striding towards them.

"The final general will see His Royal Highness Ye Wang." Ouyang Fei saluted Xuanyuan Yelan and said respectfully.

"General Ouyang, you don't have to be polite." Xuanyuan Yelan raised his hand to Ouyang Fei, signaling that he could flatten himself.

After Ouyang Fei got up gratefully, he quickly turned to look at Xia Zishang, "Thank you, Mr. Xia, for coming today. I am very grateful."

"General Ouyang, you're being polite." Xia Zishang said lightly, and looked at Ouyang Fei once.

Just as Xia Zishang thought before, Ouyang Fei, as a general who has experienced the battlefield, has a very evil spirit on his body, so even if something happened in the mansion, he will not be affected too much, but it seems that he has not rested for a few days. Some bloodshot eyes, looking a little haggard.

"His Royal Highness, Mr. Xia, please sit down." Ouyang Fei gestured to the two of them, and immediately asked them to sit down.

Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang took their seats one after another.

"General Ouyang doesn't seem to have had a good rest these days." Xia Zishang said bluntly after taking his seat.

Ouyang Fei sighed, "My son died of illness, I was already sad, but now something happened again, which really exhausted me physically and mentally. If I had known, I should have insisted on not letting Rong'er have a yin marriage. Big mistake."

"According to what the butler said, Madam brought up the matter of yin marriage first?" Xuanyuan Yelan said in a calm tone as she picked up the tea brought by the maid.

"Yes, the last general's wife is usually obsessed with Taoism, and always wants to seek peace for our son, but unexpectedly, Rong'er still failed to keep him. We are lonely underground, and our husband and wife are confused." Ouyang Fei rubbed his eyebrows regretfully, and sighed long.

"Why isn't the lady here today?" Xia Zishang asked.

"She's sick." Ouyang Fei said with a worried look on his face.

"Master Xia, in fact, not only did people die in the house, but our wife also seemed to be frightened that night. Ever since the young master was buried, my wife has been restless day and night. I wonder if you might come and take a look?" Steward Yu hurriedly Said.

"Of course, the general will lead the way." Xia Zishang immediately agreed.

"Okay, His Royal Highness, Young Master Xia, please go this way." Ouyang Fei immediately led the two of them out of the living room, walked through the long corridor, and walked towards the backyard.

 Can the beauties guess what is at work this time?Hehehe, a new month has begun, beauties should have a monthly pass in their hands, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, and ask for a recommendation ticket, please!Come during the day!If the tickets are strong, you can still add more during the day!mwah!
(End of this chapter)

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