God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 727 Sudden suicide in front of her

Chapter 727 Sudden suicide in front of her
Backyard, inside the lotus garden.

Before entering the door, Xia Zishang felt the extremely strong evil spirit in the courtyard. At this moment, several maids were holding thick quilts in their palms, and seemed to be planning to send the quilts into the courtyard.

"What are you doing?" Ouyang Fei looked at the maids with a puzzled face, frowning and asked.

"See Master." The maids held the quilts and blessed Ouyang Fei at the same time, "Master, Madam has woken up, but Madam has been screaming and is very cold after waking up, the servants lit a lot of charcoal fire in the room , but Madam still felt that it was not enough, and she shouted for a quilt, but the servants did not dare to disobey, so they had to send the quilt over."

"Master Xia, can you see if something is wrong?" Ouyang Fei said hastily, "Mr. Xia, to tell you the truth, my wife was actually sick from fright. Last night, the old lady who served her for more than ten years Sudden suicide in front of her, and the appearance of death was extremely hideous. When I arrived, my wife was already paralyzed by fright, and before she fell into a coma, she told me that she saw a female ghost... Tell me, did she What is wrong with you?"

Ouyang Fei didn't believe in ghosts and gods, so the so-called bewitching was just a joke to him.

But now, a series of things happened in the house made Ouyang Fei have to believe in evil.

It was also because another person died in the mansion, and the Min family was so frightened that he passed out, so the people in the general's mansion were shocked to realize that the matter of the ghost had not been completely resolved.

But Taoist Sima had already run away, and they couldn't find Taoist Sima, so they found a way to ask Xia Zishang for help.

"The courtyard where Madam is is indeed very cloudy, but I have to go to see Madam's situation before I can conclude." Xia Zishang narrowed her eyes and said.

"Okay, the two of you are welcome." Ouyang Fei didn't dare to be careless, and quickly and respectfully invited the two of them into the lotus garden.

He strode towards the room where the Min family was. When Ouyang Fei walked to the door, his voice became softer unconsciously, "Madam, I brought His Royal Highness Ye Wang and Mr. Xia to see you..."

Before Ouyang Fei could finish speaking, the maid had already opened the heavy windshield curtain.

With a whoosh, the fiery heat in the room gushed out of the room, hot on everyone's faces.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, Xia Zishang ignored Ouyang Fei's surprise, and entered the room before him.

Xia Zishang took off the cloak after entering the room.

The room is so hot that it feels like it is in midsummer. At this moment, there are more than a dozen pots of charcoal fires on the floor of the room. These charcoal fires are all burning vigorously. sweat.

Just when Xia Zishang frowned, there was a hysterical scream from the direction of the bed not far away.

"Who asked you to open the door?! Close it!"

Following the sound and looking in the direction of the bed, Xia Zishang's eyes quickly sank.

I saw Min wrapped in three layers of quilt curled up on the bed, she was shivering from the cold, her lips were all blue and purple, and her hair was huddled under the quilt, but she still didn't feel like it was enough. The eyeballs flicked around, and the mouth kept saying how cold it was.

The relationship between Ouyang Fei and Min's husband and wife is very good. When he saw Min's like this, his heart suddenly rose in his throat, and he rushed to the bed quickly.

 emm... today's update is over, please ask for a monthly ticket, please ask for a recommendation ticket, huh...you don't leave a message, I feel like I am in a single player~~ See you tomorrow, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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