God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 728 Corrupted by Yin Qi

Chapter 728 Corrupted by Yin Qi

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?" Ouyang Fei didn't know whether it was because of the heat or in a hurry. There were beads of sweat on his forehead, waiting for Min's answer.

"Master, help me, I'm so cold, I'm so cold." Min's cold teeth were chattering, she felt as if she was in an ice cellar, the surrounding warmth had no effect on her, and could not relieve her at all her pain.

"Master Xia, come and see my wife." Ouyang Fei was so anxious that he hurriedly shouted at Xia Zishang.

Xia Zishang walked quickly to the bed, and frowned when she saw Min's.

Min's face was extremely strange, her lips were obviously purple from the cold, but her face was flushed, and the bean-sized sweat on her forehead slid down her cheeks and slipped into her collar, leaving her messy long hair soaked in sweat. The hair was sticky on her pale face, and at a glance, the area between her brows was blackened, and there was a thick cloud of yin.

Although it was hot and sweating profusely, Mrs. Min still felt terribly cold.

However, because of the heat, Min's breathing became short of breath and he rolled his eyes.

Min's body is already weak, and now her body has lost too much water through sweating. If this continues, she will soon pass out again.

If Min's body fell into a coma while her body was so weak, even the gods would be unable to save her!
"Take out all the braziers immediately, and open the doors and windows to breathe." After Xia Zishang finished speaking, she raised her hand and lifted the three thick quilts on Min's body.

Ouyang Fei was the closest to Min's, and he could clearly see that the moment the quilt was lifted, a gust of steam rose from Min's body, and rushed to his face with the smell of sweat and face powder.

Taking a closer look, the clothes on Min's body were soaked with sweat, as if she had just been fished out of the water, and even the prickly heat had covered her neck, which showed how hot she was!
"Yeah! Give it back to me! Give it back to me!" Min screamed and threw herself at Xia Zishang, but was hugged by Ouyang Fei.

"Ma'am, you can't cover it anymore, if you keep covering it, something serious will happen!" Ouyang Fei shouted while hugging Min's sweaty body.

"You're all going to kill me, you, you...!" Min screamed wildly, glaring at Xia Zishang with bloodshot eyes, as if Xia Zishang was the culprit of all this, "I'm going to kill you!" You, kill you!"

Xia Zishang didn't take it seriously, and calmly threw away the three thick quilts.

Xuanyuan Yelan walked to the door, raised her hand and tore off the heavy curtain.

The curtain fell, and the cold wind from the yard blew in along the open door.

The Min family was only a little bit blown by the wind, and immediately let out a scream as if it was dying.

"It's so cold, it's so cold..." Mrs. Min pushed Ouyang Fei away, curled up by herself, hugged her knees, and rubbed her arms with both hands, "It's so cold, I'm going to freeze to death."

"Master Xia, what's wrong with my wife?" Ouyang Fei had never seen Min's like this before, and asked Xia Zishang anxiously.

"Madam's body was corroded by Yin Qi, and she was seriously frightened, that's why it happened." When Xia Zishang spoke, the maids had already removed the brazier and opened the window.

Now, the cold wind from outside the room blows in, finally taking away the heat in the room.

Xia Zishang walked to the bedside, and under Min's watchful eyes, quickly raised her hand and tapped on Min's four acupuncture points.

(End of this chapter)

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