Chapter 729
The Min family, who was still as fierce as a wolf, didn't even see how Xia Zishang was moving, so the acupuncture points were all tapped.

Immediately, he rolled his eyes and passed out. Min's body was limp like a puddle of mud and he lay paralyzed on the bed. The trembling of his body stopped, but the expression on his face was still as distorted as before, as if he was enduring a huge blow. pain.

Ouyang Fei wanted to help, but Xuanyuan Yelan on the side was signaling him to be calm.

Having no choice but to suppress the uneasiness in his heart, Ouyang Fei rubbed his hands nervously, watching every movement of Xia Zishang.

Xia Zishang focused on nothing else, and carefully checked the current situation of the Min family.

"Master Xia, how is my wife's condition?" Ouyang Fei asked standing behind Xia Zishang.

"It's nothing serious, but I have to force out the Yin Qi from Madam's body as soon as possible, otherwise, Madam's life will be in danger." After Xia Zishang finished speaking, she immediately took out a small cloth bag from her sleeve.

Xia Zishang opened the cloth bag, and there was a row of silver needles neatly placed in the cloth bag. These silver needles danced with shallow sharp edges, which looked a little scary.

Xia Zishang pinched the silver needle with her slender fingers like white jade, first aimed at the Tianlong acupoint on Min's body, and pierced the needle in.

The silver needle was infused with spiritual power, and the moment it pierced into Min's acupoint, the drowsy Min felt as if he had sensed an abnormality, and his body trembled like a convulsion.

Everyone looked at Xia Zishang in puzzlement, not understanding what she wanted to do.

Only Xuanyuan Yelan looked at Xia Zishang's delicate and beautiful back with a look of trust in his eyes.

Xia Zishang did not stop, but continued to instill spiritual power and perform acupuncture.

With every shot, the silver needle can be accurately pierced into Min's acupuncture points, Xia Zishang's movements are fast, and he keeps chanting silently.

Tianlong Point, Xuhuang Point, Gang Youming Point, and finally Guangtan Point.

Every time Xia Zishang dropped a needle, Min's body would twitch uncontrollably.

As Xia Zishang's fourth needle fell, Min's body shook crazily as if she had been shocked by an electric shock, and then her seven orifices suddenly began to ooze blood.

Ouyang Fei, Steward Yu and the maids in the room were all startled by this scene. Before they could speak, they watched Xia Zishang help Min to sit up.

Raising his hand aimed at the back of Min's heart, Xia Zishang slapped her hard.

"Pfft!" Min's body stiffened, and he spit out a big mouthful of black blood!

A nauseating stench emanated from the black blood, causing the maids to take a step back in fright.

Seeing this scene, Xia Zishang breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly took off the silver needle on Min's body, took out a bottle of medicine from her arms, and gave it to Min.

After drinking the potion, the originally weak Min suddenly coughed twice, then his eyelashes fluttered, and he opened his eyes in confusion.

As if she didn't know what happened, Min only felt a splitting headache. She raised her hand and rubbed her head in pain, "What's wrong with me, why am I so uncomfortable?"

"Ma'am!" Ouyang Fei rushed to the bed with a brisk stride, took Min's hand, and said with concern, "Ma'am, you are sick, it is thanks to Mr. Xia Ye who is proficient in yin and yang art and saved you with acupuncture, so you can wake up." come over."

After being reminded by Ouyang Fei, the Min family suddenly remembered what happened just now.

Guilt was written on her gentle face, and Min quickly apologized to Xia Zishang, "Master, I'm really sorry, I, I don't know what happened to me just now, but I made such a rude move, Please don't blame me, sir..."

(End of this chapter)

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