God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 730 89 of them are haunted

Chapter 730

"It's okay." Xia Zishang said to Min's, "Madam is weak now, I have a spell here to protect Madam from being hurt by the female ghost."

With that said, Xia Zishang took out a talisman and handed it to the Min family.

Mrs. Min quickly took it, and then asked in fear, "Master Xia, is it true that our house is really haunted?"

"Nine times out of ten it's haunted, but I'm not sure yet." Xia Zishang felt a little strange feeling the yin in the mansion.

She didn't see the female ghost with her own eyes, so she couldn't make a [-]% sure decision.

"Master Xia, there is no need for you to continue investigating. I can be sure that our house is haunted. Last night after the nun next to me committed suicide, the female ghost came to me and said that she did not want to marry me. Son, my son's soul has been destroyed!"

When it came to the end, Min couldn't help but feel sad, bowed her head and cried loudly, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaratus, pity, I went away at a young age, and now I'm still being killed by a female ghost."

The more Min talked, the more sad she became, and finally she cried into tears, and fell into Ouyang Fei's arms in pain and continued to feel sad.

Ouyang Fei was also in a bad mood, so he could only put his arms around Min's shoulders to comfort her with red eyes.

Xia Zishang didn't comfort her.

The young master married the female ghost to be an evil ghost. If the female ghost wanted to destroy the young master's soul and make the young master's soul fly away, it would be an easy task.

Therefore, the young master may have been destroyed now, and no matter how much she comforts her, she can't change this fact, so it's better not to mention it.

"According to my usual experience, the female ghost's resentment is not small. I'm afraid she died in vain before she was alive, and people who died in vain cannot be used for yin marriages, otherwise accidents will happen to the married family." Xia Zishang's tone Said slowly.

"It's you! Butler Yu, what on earth do you do!" Min immediately turned her finger on Butler Yu, and shouted at him with tears all over her face, "Tell me, how did that female corpse get here? You bastard Things, actually harmed my son, I will not let you off lightly!"

Steward Yu, who had been standing on the side all the time, never expected that the fire would suddenly reach him. He was frightened out of his wits by Min's angry reprimand, and his feet softened and he knelt down in front of Min.

"Ma'am, I am wronged. Li Dayuan said that the woman died of illness, not in vain!" Butler Yu's pale face was even more ugly at this moment, he was so frightened that he trembled, and loudly defended.

Ouyang Fei thought of his poor son, and his face was also not good-looking, "Nonsense! Didn't you listen to what Mr. Xia said? Or do you think you are more powerful than Mr. Xia? The female corpse you found was clearly killed in vain. Yes, it's all your fault that you didn't investigate thoroughly, which caused so many things to happen at home!"

Butler Yu knelt on the ground and kowtowed begging for mercy, "Master, madam, I know I was wrong! I didn't know that before. All this is due to that Li Dayuan. The villain is innocent. Please forgive me, Mrs. Take your life!"

When it came to the end, Butler Yu was so scared that he cried, with tears and snot streaming down his nose, looking very miserable.

"Butler Yu, where is the Li Dayuan you mentioned now?" Xia Zishang turned to Butler Yu and asked.

Butler Yu calmed down his fear, and then replied cautiously, "I don't know. Li Dayuan was not at home when I went to pick up the female body that day. The people I sent out to look for him in the past two days said they couldn't find him. It was as if he had disappeared out of thin air, without a trace."

(End of this chapter)

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