God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 732 He died, he actually died.

Chapter 732 He died, he actually died.

"His Royal Highness, Mr. Xia, actually, I think our coming this time is just in vain. I came to see it when I came to carry the female body. This Li Dayuan is not at home at all. I guess, he knows it well." There is something wrong with the female corpse, and I was worried that our master would cause trouble for him, so I took the money and ran away!" The eyes of Butler Yu were full of anger, and the more he spoke, the more angry he became.

Xia Zishang seemed not to have heard what Steward Yu said, and pointed to the second floor, "What is the second floor for?"

Seeing that Xia Zishang didn't listen to the persuasion, Steward Yu pursed his lips and replied honestly, "The second floor is where Li Dayuan sleeps. He didn't have a family and usually lives on the second floor."

"Go up and have a look." Xuanyuan Yelan said.

Xia Zishang and the two went straight up to the second floor, but Butler Yu had no choice but to follow.

The space on the second floor is not big. Li Dayuan usually spends some money either from gambling or whoring, and his life is very rough. There is no furniture on the second floor, only a wooden bed and a table.

After going upstairs, Xia Zishang felt a faint death in the air.

Quickly looking for the direction of the source of death energy, Xia Zishang looked seriously, Xuanyuan Yelan was by her side to assist her, only Butler Yu stood by the bed as if nothing had happened.

Steward Yu is very weak now, and he is already exhausted standing here without moving, and has no energy to accompany Xia Zishang and the others to search together.

"It's been said that Li Dayuan is not here anymore, I really don't know what else to look for..." Butler Yu muttered in a low voice.

Xia Zishang and the two heard Steward Yu's complaint, but they pretended they didn't hear anything, and continued to work on them on their own.

There will be no dead air in the air out of thin air, unless someone died here.

Xia Zishang thought about it, and searched more seriously.

Butler Yu was very tired, and was about to sit down and take a rest, but unexpectedly looked down, and saw scratches on the floor beside the bed.

It looked like the marks left by someone lying on the ground and scratching the floor with their fingernails. The scratches were still stained with some blood, which made Steward Yu look puzzled.

Crouching down, Butler Yu carefully laid down in front of the bed, observing the scratches on the ground.

The scratches spread all the way to the bottom of the bed, and Butler Yu followed the scratches and looked at the bottom of the bed.

Immediately, Steward Yu was unprepared, and met a distorted face.

That was Li Dayuan's face.

Li Dayuan's eyeballs were wide open. He had been dead for two days, and the surface of his eyeballs was dry and wrinkled like walnut skin. His eyes were full of ferocity, and his facial features were all twisted into a ball. Steward Yu screamed in fright, and then sat down heavily on the ground.

"Ahh! Dead people, dead people!" Steward Yu's screams almost pierced through the roof.

Xia Zishang's eardrums ached from Steward Yu's screams, and then she smelled a pungent smell of urine.

Looking at Butler Yu's lower body, Xia Zishang saw that Butler Yu's pants were dyed yellow by the steaming liquid, and the yellow mark continued to spread.

It can't be seen that Butler Yu's body is weak, but his bladder works well and he can hold back urine very well.

Steward Yu's soul was almost frightened away, he raised his hand at this moment, cried and pointed to the bottom of the bed and said, "Yes, it's Li Dayuan, he's dead, he's actually dead!"

"I'll do it." Xuanyuan Yelan stepped forward quickly, walked around Steward Yu and came to the bed, raised his hand to lift the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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