God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 733 Onmyojis and everything else are freaks!

Chapter 733 Onmyojis and everything else are freaks!

Li Dayuan's miserable corpse was immediately exposed to the eyes of the three people. His body was lying under the bed in an extremely distorted posture, as if he had been greatly frightened. What terrible thing did he see before he died to be so frightened that he showed such a ferocious expression.

"He was scared to death." Xuanyuan Yelan said after inspecting Li Dayuan's body.

"He, how could he die in such a place..." Butler Yu asked in fear with a pale face.

"He has been dead for more than two days. It should be that Li Dayuan was killed before you took the woman's body away, but you didn't find his body, so you thought he ran away." Xia Zishang observed calmly. After looking at Li Dayuan, he said.

Hearing the words, Butler Yu immediately thought of many things.

He thought that when they came to pick up the female corpse, his servants said that the door was locked from the inside...

It turned out that Li Dayuan was at home at that time, but he died, so no one came to open the door for them.

And when he came to the second floor, he didn't know that Li Dayuan's body was hidden under the bed, and even without knowing it, he carried away the murdered female body...

Thinking of this, Steward Yu's body suddenly felt a chill. After shaking his shoulders, he bent over and began to vomit.

Xia Zishang glanced at Butler Yu in disgust, and took a few steps back to keep a distance from him.

She originally thought that Housekeeper Yu was a courageous person who single-handedly arranged the matter of the young master's yin marriage.

Looking at it now, the Butler Yu was not just a coward, but just saw Li Dayuan's body, and was so frightened that he peed and vomited.

"Ask the servant guarding the door to move the body back. I'm going to try tonight to see if I can summon Li Dayuan's soul and ask him what happened." Xia Zishang said, taking a step forward. A spell was stuck on Li Dayuan's forehead.

Not long after Li Dayuan died, the soul in his body should not have dissipated. The charm she put on can strengthen the power of Li Dayuan's soul, so that once she successfully summoned Li Dayuan's soul at night, they would be able to get out of the soul's mouth. Little useful information.

Butler Yu was almost scared to death by Xia Zishang's words.

How could this person say such a horrible thing in such an understatement? !
Sure enough, onmyojis and everything else are freaks!

After Xia Zishang finished speaking, she went downstairs with Xuanyuan Yelan.

Butler Yu looked at Li Dayuan's body in fear, then turned around and ran away without thinking, fearing that something bad would happen if he was a step too late!
Li Dayuan was killed by a ghost in his shop, his soul would subconsciously fear there, so the summoning of souls could not be held in the shop, and Xia Zishang didn't want to take the body to Yewang's mansion or his own home, so he sent it to the general government.

According to Xia Zishang's order, the servants of the General's Mansion carried Li Dayuan's body all the way to the General's Mansion, and then prepared the cinnabar and pagoda tree branches needed for summoning the spirit according to Xia Zishang's instructions.

That night, at midnight, in the backyard of the General's Mansion.

No one in the general's mansion dared to disturb Xia Zishang's actions, only Ouyang Fei and Butler Yu stood not far from Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang, quietly watching.

The night was dark, and there was a faint black mist like a thin layer of haze in the air.

The pale moonlight pierced through the dark clouds, and projected faintly on Li Dayuan's body on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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