God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 736 Even Stranger

Chapter 736 Even Stranger

"Stop talking nonsense!" Xia Zishang said coldly, "Why did that female ghost commit suicide before she was alive?"

Generally speaking, evil spirits do not cause trouble for no reason. They have suffered a great deal of injustice during their lifetime, and after death they turn into evil spirits. Especially evil spirits who committed suicide due to injustice are more resentful than other evil spirits. big.

Now if they want to deal with that female ghost, they must understand her past before she was alive, and then come up with countermeasures.

To deal with evil spirits, you can't blindly use brutal methods to wipe them out.

Xia Zishang is very clear that there are yin and yang poles between the heaven and the earth, the alternation of the sun and the moon, and karma.

Evil ghosts, if they are not hopeless, have their places to go and bear the consequences they should bear.

"I don't know about this either. If you want to know, you can ask its family." Li Dayuan said, "I can give you the address of his family..."

After Li Dayuan told the address, Xia Zishang gave him a purification spell.

With the purification spell, the resentment on Li Dayuan's body disappeared, and he could wait for reincarnation quietly.

Although Li Dayuan lied and harmed others, it was a conscience-stricken act, but he also paid the due price for this, throwing his own life, and the unconscionable things he did during his lifetime will be punished when he goes underground. Judgment and punishment.

"It's very late now, let's go find that female ghost's family tomorrow." Xuanyuan Yelan said to Xia Zishang.

"That's exactly what I mean." Xia Zishang said.

Ouyang Fei sighed heavily, looked at Xia Zishang and said, "Master Xia, that female ghost's body is still buried with Rong'er in my family cemetery, look..."

What he hated most now was the haunting female ghost, and thinking of its corpse being buried with his poor son, he felt particularly uncomfortable.

"The female ghost's body should not be moved for the time being. After dealing with it, move its body again." Xia Zishang said.

Ouyang Fei nodded, looked deeply at Xia Zishang and said, "Master Xia is very capable at such a young age, I admire you."

Although he only got along with Xia Zishang for a short time, he somehow felt that the young onmyoji in front of him was much better than Taoist Sima.

Immediately afterwards, Ouyang Fei changed the subject and said, "Master Xia, if this matter is completed, people will be willing to offer three shops and a hundred acres of fertile land as reward. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Xia Zishang couldn't help being shocked, and nodded with a smile, "Thank you, General Ouyang, for your kindness."

Although she said so, she didn't look ashamed at all.

Thinking about the previous life, it was common for someone to ask her to get rid of evil spirits and give her villas and shops, because these things are more practical than money.

The female ghost seemed very difficult to deal with, she didn't think she was charged too much.

I made an agreement with Ouyang Fei that she would go to the ghost's family alone tomorrow. Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan did not stay in the General's Mansion any longer, so they said goodbye and left together.

Sitting in the carriage back to the courtyard, Xia Zishang rested her head on Xuanyuan Yelan's shoulder, closing her eyes and feeling a little drowsy.

"Shang'er, I saw the teacher in the palace the day before yesterday." Xuanyuan Yelan said suddenly.

"How is the old man?" Xia Zishang asked lazily.

Xuanyuan Yelan frowned, and said softly, "The teacher looks even weirder than when we saw him last time."

(End of this chapter)

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