God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 737 Can suppress the toxins on the prince for a long time

Chapter 737 Can suppress the toxins on the prince for a long time

Xia Zishang frowned slightly when he heard the words, and asked, "What's going on? Did you ask Mr. Jin?"

"He didn't give me a chance to ask, so he left in a hurry." Xuanyuan Yelan recalled the scene when he saw Jin Xuanzhi in the palace that day, and a deep look flashed in his eyes.

What he couldn't understand the most was that after Jin Xuanzhi walked out of the palace gate, he got into the carriage of Zhennan Palace.

Xuanyuan Yelan and Jin Xuanzhi have been together for so many years, but now they feel that they can't see through Jin Xuanzhi more and more.

Before, Jin Xuanzhi didn't like Zhennan Wang very much. He thought that Zhennan King was a cancer of the court, and he had a natural conspiracy in his bones.

"I think you can send someone to investigate secretly." Xia Zishang said softly, "Since the Jin family had an accident last time, Mr. Jin has obviously become very strange. I wonder if it is still related to the previous incident. It doesn't matter, you should send someone to check it out."

Xuanyuan Yelan originally wanted to secretly send someone to investigate Jin Xuanzhi, but felt that this seemed to disrespect her teacher, so she never made a decision.

Now, Jin Xuanzhi's series of behaviors have become abnormal to a strange state, he must send someone to investigate carefully.

"Shang'er, after the Lantern Festival, the national teacher election will begin. Are you ready?" Xuanyuan Yelan changed the subject and asked softly.

"Be ready at any time." Xia Zishang was still looking forward to the national teacher election.

Xuanyuan Yelan smiled softly, turned her face to kiss Xia Zishang's black hair, "If you are sleepy, go to sleep."

Xia Zishang gave a lazily grace, and leaned on Xuanyuan Yelan's body relaxedly.

After a while, the carriage stopped outside the house.

Xia Zishang was already fast asleep, and Xuanyuan Yelan carried her out of the carriage in person.

Yun Luo has been waiting outside the door for Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang, and quickly walked up to Xuanyuan Yelan, and was about to say something to Xuanyuan Yelan, but saw Xuanyuan Yelan raised her head slightly towards her. finger, making a silent gesture.

Yunluo immediately swallowed back what she was going to say.

Xuanyuan Yelan carried Xia Zishang all the way back to her room. The three little buns were already fast asleep. He gently placed Xia Zishang next to the three little buns, and took off her shoes, socks and coats. shirt, and then gently covered her body with the quilt.

Xia Zishang fell asleep very peacefully, showing no signs of waking up.

Xuanyuan Yelan sat on the edge of the bed and stared at Xia Zishang for a while, then bent down and kissed the corner of her lips before getting up and walking out of the room.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Yunluo was still standing outside the door, Xuanyuan Yelan asked slowly.

"My lord, Granny Yi has arrived in the capital today." Yunluo replied respectfully, with a smile on her face, "Grandma Yi is waiting for the lord at the palace, and she brought back a new antidote, which she said can restrain the lord for a long time. toxin."

Xuanyuan Yelan nodded slowly, turned her head to look at the room behind her, and then said to Yunluo, "This king can go back by himself, don't let anyone disturb Madam's rest tomorrow morning."

Yunluo nodded in agreement, and sighed in her heart, only the wife can make their prince so gentle and caring.

Xuanyuan Yelan rode the carriage again, left the house, and went straight to the Yewang Mansion.

At this time, a wing room in the backyard of Yewang Mansion was lit, and the room was quiet.

An old woman in a blue-gray long dress was sitting under the candlelight, holding a delicate jade lock in her hand.

She looked at the exquisite jade lock in front of her with complicated eyes, and there were two small characters engraved on the lock piece.

Yun Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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