Chapter 738

A middle-aged man sat in front of Granny Yi, seeing her expression gradually turned sad, he broke the silence.

"A Ling, don't read any more, just put it away."

"Lan'er doesn't know how much she suffered at the hands of that woman." Granny Yi said, her voice was as sweet as a young woman's, rippling with gentleness, but full of distress and sadness, " Brother Xing, all of this is my fault, if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have to suffer so much. The poison on Lan'er's body was probably caused by that woman."

"But if it wasn't for your sacrifice, he might have been killed by the dog emperor." Xing Yuan said slowly.

Granny Yi raised her eyes to look at Xing Yuan, and was about to say something else, but heard footsteps approaching them, she immediately made a gesture to Xing Yuan to silence.

Xing Yuan understood and nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the footsteps stopped in front of the door on their side, and there was a knock on the door.

"Is it Yelan?" Granny Yi asked with a smile, her voice had become that of an old lady, she got up straight and walked to the door, and opened it.

"Mother-in-law." When Xuanyuan Yelan saw Granny Yi, a slight smile appeared on his cold face.

Granny Yi quickly looked Xuanyuan Yelan up and down, her old eyes were filled with tenderness, "It's cold outside, come in."

While talking, Granny Yi dodged to let Xuanyuan Yelan enter the room.

Xuanyuan Yelan strode into the room, and when she saw Xing Yuan, she smiled and nodded to him, "Uncle Xing."

Xing Yuan stood up and saluted Xuanyuan Yelan, "His Royal Highness."

"Let's all sit down." Xuanyuan Yelan said, and took the lead to sit down at the table.

Granny Yi naturally sat across from Xuanyuan Yelan, her gentle eyes were reluctant to leave Xuanyuan Yelan, "Yelan, how is your health recently? Have you ever suffered from poisoning again?"

Her tone was full of concern.

Xing Yuan also looked at Xuanyuan Yelan worriedly, waiting for his answer.

Xuanyuan Yelan shook his head slowly, "There is an antidote to suppress it every month, and if you take the medicine on time, you will never have an attack."

Granny Yi and Xing Yuan looked at each other, both of them saw distress in each other's eyes.

"Uncle Xing and I found a new antidote for you." Granny Yi said slowly, "The antidote is effective for you now, but if you take it too often, it will gradually lose its effect. So you need a new antidote." The antidote, this new antidote, can guarantee that you will be fine for three months, but..."

"Just what?" Xuanyuan Yelan asked, looking up at Granny Yi who was opposite her.

"It's just that this antidote contains a medicinal herb named Qijuehua..." Granny Yi said in a deep voice.

Xuanyuan Yelan fell silent after hearing the words.

Qijuehua is a rare natural and earthly treasure, it blooms only once in a hundred years, but if you take too much, it will make people lose their love.

"I think the previous antidote is quite good, there is no need to change it." After thinking for a moment, Xuanyuan Yelan said again.

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate. According to the time, the previous antidote will lose its effect after taking at most two times. Yelan, tell the truth, haven't you felt something strange about your body recently? ?” Xing Yuan asked solemnly.

Xuanyuan Yelan pursed her lips, and said slowly, "Don't worry about it, I won't take the new antidote."

Naturally, he felt subtle abnormalities in his body. For example, sometimes, he would suddenly lose sight of things, have trouble falling asleep, and occasionally lose his sense of smell.

But even if he loses all five senses, he will not take the antidote containing Qijuehua, he can't let Shang'er down.

(End of this chapter)

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