Chapter 773
Xia Zishang was eating cakes leisurely while listening to Xuanyuan Yelan and Baili Xuanchen chatting about things.

"King Zhennan caught fire in his back house recently, and he has a new favorite woman. Guess who this woman is?" When Baili Xuanchen said this, the expression on Jun's face was a little cold.

Of course, Xuanyuan Yelan didn't care about Zhennan King's back house, and looked at Baili Xuanchen indifferently, waiting for him to continue.

"It's Jiang Yuxiang." Baili Xuanchen said word by word.

"Cough cough cough..." Xia Zishang almost choked on the pastry in his mouth, Xuanyuan Yelan quickly handed her a cup of tea.

Xia Zishang took two sips of tea before calming down.

"Be careful." Xuanyuan Yelan patted Xia Zishang's back lightly and said softly.

Xia Zishang nodded embarrassingly.

She was so surprised just now, that's why she had such a reaction.

Jiang Yuxiang, she has seen it before.

That girl is obviously a scheming girl, and she seems to like Xuanyuan Yelan.

Since he likes Xuanyuan Yelan, why would he get involved with King Zhennan now?
"Is there really no trick between Jiang Yuxiang and King Zhennan?" Xia Zishang asked suspiciously.

I don't know why, but this incident gave her a strong and very strange feeling.

Baili Xuanchen picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea, then said slowly, "Jiang Yuxiang has now moved out of Baili Mansion and lives in the Zhennan Palace. I met her yesterday, and she suddenly seemed to have changed. Personally, who knows if she is bewitched or not. Moreover, I have received reliable news that the King of Zhennan has already planned to appoint Jiang Yuxiang as his side concubine, and he plans to announce the news at the birthday banquet."

"Check out Jiang Yuxiang carefully." Xuanyuan Yelan said slowly.

Almost everyone who knows Xuanyuan Mu knows that this man is lustful and has always been passionate about women for 3 minutes.

Now that he loves Jiang Yuxiang so much, there must be something tricky about it.

"Maybe, then Jiang Yuxiang is really bewitched." Xia Zishang narrowed her eyes and said.

How can a person suddenly change his temperament?Either they were severely stimulated and became mentally disturbed, or they were bewitched by evil spirits.Between the two, Xia Zishang was more inclined to the second possibility.

Although she didn't have much contact with Jiang Yuxiang, that girl is by no means an ordinary person, and she should not be insane.

"I've already sent someone to investigate." Baili Xuanchen said slowly, "I believe there will be results soon. Oh yes, Yun Yan, the king of Zhennan has been in close contact with a few businessmen from the Western Regions recently. .You should know."

Xuanyuan Yelan nodded.

The relationship between the Western Regions and Yanbei Kingdom is very tense now, but there will still be businessmen from the Western Regions who will venture to Yanbei Kingdom for business. Their arrival can also make a contribution to the economy of Yanbei Kingdom, so as long as they are serious Businessmen, no one will embarrass them.

Xuanyuan Mu has a shop that specializes in selling new gadgets from the Western Regions, so he will deal with merchants from the Western Regions. This was normal in the past, but recently, several small countries in the Western Regions have joined forces to set up troops. There seems to be a tight string between Yan Beiguo and the relationship is becoming more and more tense. It is intriguing that he dared to associate with businessmen from the Western Regions.

Xuanyuan Mu is a typical person who can't get ahead without profit. It must be that the businessmen in the Western Regions can give him enough benefits to allow him to deal with them at the risk of being suspected by the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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