Chapter 774

"The identities of those merchants are already being investigated." Xuanyuan Yelan said lightly.

Baili Xuanchen nodded.

Standing behind Baili Xuanchen, Sijin looked at the three people in front of them who were chatting enthusiastically, and yawned boredly.

"Tired?" Baili Xuanchen heard the movement and looked back at Sijin.
Seeing that Baili Xuanchen's attention had finally turned to himself, Si Jin nodded his head vigorously, looked at Baili Xuanchen pitifully and said, "Yes, young master, I have been standing here."

The implication is that you are sitting, I am standing, I am tired and wronged.

Baili Xuanchen saw her delicate little face like white jade wrinkled into a ball with grievance, and his heart softened suddenly.

"It's getting late, Yun Yan, I have to take a step first." Baili Xuanchen turned his head and said to Xuanyuan Yelan.

What should be chatted is almost finished, Xuanyuan Yelan smiled lightly and nodded.

"See you, Mr. Xia." Baili Xuanchen took another deep look at Xia Zishang, and said with a gentle smile.

"See you later." Xia Zishang said to Baili Xuanchen with a smile.

After Baili Xuanchen left with Sijin, Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan also left the restaurant together.

At this time, it was almost dusk.

Xia Zishang originally wanted to go back to the house to see the children, but as soon as she got into the carriage with Xuanyuan Yelan, her messenger stone started to heat up.

After taking out the communication stone and injecting spiritual power into it, Xia Zishang heard the anxious voice of the dead man's head burning his ass.

"Old Tie Xia, come and find me now! I'm in big trouble here! I'm in the northern suburbs of the city! Come here!"

After hearing this, Xia Zishang was about to respond, but unexpectedly, there was another noisy fight in the interrogation stone, and a young girl asked the dead head coquettishly.

"What is the communication stone in your hand? You ugly monster is so disgusting, stop me, and you still call someone to help, are you still a man?!" The girl yelled angrily, and then came There was a louder fighting sound.

"Damn you, if I didn't see you as a woman, I would have beaten you to death!" The dead head roared angrily, and shouted at Xia Zishang, "Old Tie Xia, come quickly!"

After speaking, the dead head ended the conversation.

Xia Zishang's face darkened, and she turned to Xuanyuan Yelan and said, "Let's go quickly."

Xuanyuan Yelan nodded, and the two rushed towards the location of the dead man's head together.

Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan were extremely fast, and within a quarter of an hour, they had already arrived at the northern suburbs of the city.

In the distance, the sound of fighting came from the forest ahead.

Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan looked at each other, and they rushed over at the same time.

When he came to the woods, Xia Zishang couldn't help frowning as he watched the scene in front of him.

I saw that the dead head was not only dealing with the butler Yu who had turned into a spider monster, but also a girl in a pink skirt in front of him who was constantly attacking him.

"You ugly monster, hurry up and get out of the way!" Qu Bailu opened his watery almond eyes angrily, and while speaking, several angry attacks aimed at the dead man's head.

The dead man dodged in a panic, he was focused on two things, while dodging Qu Bailu's attack, he was also trying his best to dodge the spider leg waving from Butler Yu.

Under such an urgent attack, the dead man's head couldn't take care of it, and the dodging movement slowed down a little, and the dagger in Qu Bailu's hand went straight to stab it in the face.

 Asking for a monthly ticket, please recommend a ticket~ Thank you S, Yingbao, Zuixiyan, Xue Yueli, Lu, Chuxin, 152****8472 for your reward~ ok!
(End of this chapter)

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