God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 787 He Won't Really Turn Into A Zombie

Chapter 787 He Won't Really Turn Into A Zombie

"You did a good job. Keep watch at the door." Ouyang Fei's voice came from the dim room.

At this time, a white candle was burning in the small room. The dim yellow candlelight barely brought a glimmer of light into the dark room, and the whole room still looked very dim.

Sitting in front of the bed, Mrs. Min looked at the person lying on the bed lovingly and contentedly.

I saw Ouyang Rong wearing a royal blue shroud, lying on the bed with his body collapsed and stiff, his eyes closed, and there were two particularly obvious blushes on his off-white cheeks, which looked like rouge that had been deliberately applied.

With a bowl of tea in Min's hand, she dipped it in the blood with a clean brush, and then applied it on Ouyang Rong's deep purple lips.

Ouyang Rong's originally dry lips were not moist.

But Min still repeated her actions endlessly.

"Mo Daxian, does my son really have a chance to come back from the dead? He, didn't he really become a zombie?" Ouyang Fei sat at the tea table and asked the person opposite him.

Mo Wenxian still looked like a Daofeng fairy bone. He stretched out his hand to stroke his beard, and said with a smile, "The young master was originally in a state of suspended animation. Now the young master's soul and body are separated. We just need to find the young master’s soul, and we will be able to save the young master. General, didn’t you see it just now? The young master ate a big bowl of rice. Zombies can’t eat food that humans eat. He likes to suck blood. And... if the young master really becomes a zombie, then he will take the initiative to return to the mansion today, and he must start the killing ring. Because after the zombie changes, the first thing to do is to kill himself relatives. All these signs show that the young master has not become a zombie now."

"To tell you the truth, when I suddenly saw Rong'er coming back tonight, I was really shocked. If Daxian didn't show up in time, I really don't know what to do." Ouyang Fei said slowly, "It's just Someone in Ouyang doesn't understand one thing, why didn't Daxian let me tell Master Xia about it?"

"If the general wants the young master to be brought back to life, I'll tell you the truth, he can only go a little way. That Master Xia may not be willing to put down his figure and do those things. But in my opinion, as long as it can save you People, sideways methods can also work." Mo Wenxian said slowly.

Ouyang Fei thought for a while about Xia Zishang's behavior, and immediately understood the meaning of Mo Wenxian's words, nodded, and then asked, "Mo Daxian, when will my son wake up? We all want to be with you." He said a few words."

When Min's heard Ouyang Fei's question, she also stopped what she was doing, and turned to look at Mo Wenxian.

"You just need to feed the young master this, and it will wake up. But before the young master's soul is recovered, he is just a body without his own consciousness. If the general and madam want to chat with him, I'm afraid We still have to wait until the young master is completely recovered." Mo Wenxian said.

"Husband, it's fine to let Rong'er wake up for a while, let him see that we, parents, have never thought of giving up on him." With tears in her eyes, Min said to Ouyang Fei.

Ouyang Fei looked at Mo Wenxian, and said slowly, "If that's the case, I will trouble Great Immortal Mo."

(End of this chapter)

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