Chapter 788 Corpse Oil
The carriage started from the General's Mansion, and when it reached a small alley, Xia Zishang stopped the carriage, and then drove the dead head out of the carriage.

A moment later, after Xia Zishang got out of the carriage, she changed into a completely different outfit from before.

The dead man looked at Xia Zishang's black night clothes, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Aren't you going to the general's mansion secretly? They said they don't need us anymore, why are you still going?"

"This matter is tricky." Xia Zishang said lightly, "Ouyang Fei is not the kind of rude person, there must be something weird about him, I'll go and see the situation."

Ouyang Fei's attitude suddenly took a 180-degree turn, which can only prove that some major change happened in Ouyang Mansion.

Now that she has taken over the business from Ouyang Fei, among other things, for the sake of her own brand, she has to perfect the business from beginning to end.

This is the bottom line of her career.

The dead man hit his mouth with his head, in fact, he was also very curious why Ouyang Fei had such a sudden change.

"Then I'll go with you," said the dead man.

"Whatever you want." Xia Zishang said, pointing her toes, performing lightness kung fu, and leaping forward.

Then, she jumped onto the courtyard wall next to her.

The dead head ran quickly and followed Xia Zishang.

In the vast night, Xia Zishang's figure was like a light swallow, jumping and moving quickly on the roof. The dead head followed her halfway and couldn't catch up with her speed, so he simply left himself temporarily in a remote corner The heavy body galloped up to Xia Zishang in the shape of a human head.

It only took a cup of tea for Xia Zishang to arrive at the General's Mansion.

Even though the General's Mansion is heavily guarded now, Xia Zishang and the dead head hid their aura, and they entered the General's Mansion very quickly as if they had entered the land of no one.

Fortunately, in order to prevent Ouyang Fei and the Min family from having any accidents, Xia Zishang secretly put a tracking talisman on them, so at this time, she and the dead head followed the tracking talisman and quickly found the small room in the backyard. Room.

Perfectly blending into the dark night, Xia Zishang lay on the roof and gently moved the tiles in front of her through a small gap, just enough to allow her to see the whole scene in the room.

She saw Min still sitting beside the bed with a bed curtain. According to Xia Zishang's angle at this time, she could only see a person in a blue shroud lying on the bed, but she couldn't see his face.

Her heart sank slightly, and she could probably guess who that person was.

Then, she saw two people walking to the bed.

One was Ouyang Fei, and the other, she also knew, was the Immortal Mo who had just dealt with during the day.

She raised her eyebrows secretly, Xia Zishang didn't expect to see Mo Daxian here.

I saw Mo Daxian took out a small bottle from his sleeve and handed it to Ouyang Fei next to him.

The dead head was curious about what was in the bottle, and looked at it without blinking.

Xia Zishang held her breath, she watched as Ouyang Fei took the bottle over, opened it and smelled it, then his expression changed and he let out a retching sound.

"Mo Daxian, what is this?" Ouyang Fei asked Mo Wenxian with a sad face.

"Corpse oil." Immortal Mo Wen replied without changing expression.

"Corpse oil?!" Ouyang Fei was stunned. "Yes, is it human corpse oil?"

"Yes." Mo Wenxian nodded, "But don't worry, this corpse oil is not from someone who died violently, but I bought it through formal means."

Hearing what Mo Wenxian said, Xia Zishang felt like rushing down and blowing his head off.

Human corpse oil, there is no formal means to get it, it is all heresy.

(End of this chapter)

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