God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 789 I Will Not Disturb Your Reunion

Chapter 789 I Will Not Disturb Your Reunion
"Corpse oil is a thing of conscience. How could there be a legitimate way to obtain it? I think this person treats others as fools, thinking that they can believe what he says." The dead head is now only One head moved to Xia Zishang's side, and while looking into the room, he said in a voice only for the two of them to hear.

Xia Zishang glanced at the dead man's head and said, "Don't tell me, the most indispensable thing in this world is a fool."

After Xia Zishang finished speaking, the dead head saw Ouyang Fei in the room and nodded.

"So that's the case, then please wake up my son quickly, Master Mo." Ouyang Fei said hastily.

Hearing this, the dead head rolled his huge eyes.

Okay, I didn't expect Ouyang Fei to be a fool.

Xia Zishang could guess what the dead head was thinking by looking at its expression.

Ouyang Fei is a general who has gone through the battlefield. Does he not know that corpse oil is not a good thing?
He's not really stupid, it's just that his love for the child has blinded him, making him pretend to be deaf and dumb even if he knows something is wrong, as if he doesn't know what to do.

Mo Wenxian took the bottle of corpse oil and walked to the bed.

Min Shi moved away anxiously, she nestled nervously in Ouyang Fei's arms, watching Mo Wenxian pour the corpse oil into Ouyang Rong's mouth.

The faint stench of corpses was rippling in the air, both Ouyang Fei and Min's eyes were unblinking, waiting for Ouyang Rong to wake up.

Following the entrance of the corpse oil, Ouyang Rong's eyelashes, which had been closed all the time, trembled slightly, and then quietly opened his eyes.

"Rong'er! My son!" Mrs. Min rushed to the bed in excitement, her face was full of tears, seeing Ouyang Rong opened his eyes, and slowly sat up straight.

Only then did Xia Zishang see Ouyang Rong's appearance.

Today's Ouyang Rong looks like a puppet that has lost its soul. Its eyes are dull. Although it opened its eyes, its chest didn't rise and fall. It just sat there stupidly, not moving at all.

Looking at Ouyang Rong's current appearance, Xia Zishang sensed the aura on it, and was keenly aware of something strange.

Xia Zishang hesitated to speak, but finally pursed her lips and watched quietly.

"Master, look quickly, our Rong'er is alive, he really is alive!" Crying with joy, Min cried, holding Ouyang Rong's hand tightly.

Ouyang Fei, a seven-foot man, also had red eyes at this moment, and hurriedly bowed to Mo Wenxian to thank him, "Thank you, Master Mo, thank you, Master Mo!"

"You are welcome, general, all of this is a gift from Empress Qitian." The old god Mo Wenxian said, "Now the young master's lost soul has not been recovered, so it can't meet strangers yet, and neither can you two. Tell others about the young master's resurrection. Otherwise, if you do something wrong and affect the young master's resurrection, you will be powerless."

"Master Mo, don't worry, we will definitely follow your orders." Min replied excitedly.

She looked at Ouyang Rong, overjoyed.

Even if her son is not breathing and his heart is beating, his body is still cold, but what does it matter, this is her son after all, her son has opened his eyes again, and it is alive again!

"General Ouyang, the three of you have been separated for a few days. I won't disturb your family reunion. I'll go back first." Mo Wenxian stroked his beard and said.

Xia Zishang didn't wait for Ouyang Fei's response, glanced lightly at Empress Mo Wen from the corner of her eye, and left the General's Mansion using lightness kung fu.

(End of this chapter)

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