Chapter 790
The dead head followed Xia Zishang, not forgetting to retrieve its precious body before going back.

"Old Tie Xia, then Mo Wenxian has corpse oil in his hand, and he is using crooked methods to deceive people. I guess he is an evil cultivator in all likelihood. If he is allowed to do whatever he wants, I'm afraid there will be more victims." Dead Man He followed Xia Zishang with his head and said to her.

"I understand what you mean, don't worry, I won't let him run amok for too long." Xia Zishang gently narrowed her phoenix eyes, and then led the dead head back to the house.

Chasing Xia Zishang all the way to her room, the dead man's face was full of gossip, and he asked curiously, "Tie Xia, tell me quickly, how are you going to deal with that Master Mo?"

Xia Zishang came to the door, opened the door, smiled slightly and said, "Secret."

"Why is it a secret again? Old Tie Xia, do you know what your biggest problem is? You like to play tricks too much!" The dead man stared at Xia Zishang with dissatisfaction, and complained.

"Your biggest problem is being too gossip. Be careful that curiosity will kill the cat one day." After speaking, Xia Zishang closed the door.

The dead head rubbed his nose bored, and finally had no choice but to turn around and go back to his room.

After Xia Zishang entered the room, she washed her hands lightly, then took off her coat and shoes, and lay quietly on the bed.

The children fell asleep leaning against the bed, and Xuanyuan Yelan originally had her back to Xia Zishang.

But as soon as Xia Zishang went to bed, Xuanyuan Yelan turned around and pulled her into his arms with open arms.

After being surprised for a moment, Xia Zishang took advantage of the situation and slipped into the man's arms.

Looking up, Xia Zishang asked with a smile, "Did I make too much noise and woke you up?"

"No, I was worried about your safety, so I didn't fall asleep." Xuanyuan Yelan answered Xia Zishang honestly, and then asked, "How is the matter with the general's mansion?"

"There is a new mess." Xia Zishang nestled in Xuanyuan Yelan's arms relaxedly, and told Xuanyuan Yelan carefully what she saw just now, "Master Mo is not a good thing, I will get rid of it tomorrow." he."

"So, you plan to come to the door tomorrow and teach that Master Mo a lesson?" Seeing the little man in his arms, Xuanyuan Yelan nodded, and indulged, "Do you need help?"

"It's okay, I can handle that kind of thing by myself." Xia Zishang rubbed his head against the man's chin, "I'm sleepy, let's sleep."

Xuanyuan Yelan nodded when she heard the words, and fell asleep with her arms around Xia Zishang.

After a night without dreams, Xia Zishang accompanied the children and Xuanyuan Yelan for breakfast the next day, and then got into the carriage to Fuze Pavilion alone.

In the car, Xia Zishang took out the Nuwa mirror, raised her hand and lightly tapped on the mirror, "Jingli, are you bored to stay in the mirror all day? I'll send someone into the mirror for you to play with later, okay?" "

Jingli didn't show up, but snorted arrogantly, "Come on, you clearly want me to help you punish you, and you said it so nicely..."

Xia Zishang smiled and did not deny it. She could see that Jingli had no intention of rejecting her, so she put the mirror in her sleeve.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the carriage arrived in front of Fuze Pavilion.

Xia Zishang was still dressed in men's clothing as before today. She didn't line up this time, but bypassed those queuing up and entered Fuze Pavilion directly.

"My lord, if you want to obtain magical powers, you have to go out and line up, or you will be cursed and unlucky." The attendant of Fuze Pavilion immediately came over, impatiently trying to push Xia Zishang out.

Glancing coldly at the servant, Xia Zishang sneered, raised his hand and slapped the servant.

(End of this chapter)

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