God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 791 Is this a place where you can mess around

Chapter 791 Is this a place where you can mess around


"Ah!" The attendant was beaten and turned around twice before falling heavily to the ground.

The attendant had two teeth knocked out, his mouth was full of blood, half of his face was almost shattered by Xia Zishang's slap!
The screams and applause were so clear and crisp that everyone present was too scared to speak.

"Call your boss out." Xia Zishang pulled over the mahogany chair on one side, and sat down domineeringly at the front entrance.

The attendant also knew that Xia Zishang was here to find fault, so he rushed to the back hall to ask for help.

"Young master, what are you doing? Is this a place where you can mess around?" At that moment, an old woman shook her head at Xia Zishang and said, "Go away, you will be punished by heaven if you make trouble here. "

"That's right, go away, or Empress Qitian will punish you."

"Isn't it? What do you think this is, you don't want to live?"

Everyone said something to each other, pointing at Xia Zishang.

"I'm not leaving, I'm here today to ask for an explanation, and ask why the sachet given to me by Mo Wenxian didn't work." Xia Zishang said coldly.

"It's impossible. The sachets I gave are all protected by Empress Qitian. It's impossible for them not to work." Mo Wenxian strode out from the back hall. He glanced at Xia Zishang and held his hands behind his back. Face's attendant waved his hand, signaling that he will take care of it here.

"Young master, did you do what I said? If you followed the method, why did other people succeed but you couldn't?" Mo Wenxian walked up to Xia Zishang and asked.

"I should ask you this, why the spell you gave me doesn't work, could it be that you are deliberately defrauding me of money?" Xia Zishang smiled coolly, and glanced at the people queuing around, "Master Mo , I don’t want to embarrass you, but, I think that since Mo Daxian has infinite supernatural powers, you might as well ask me to count for me. As long as you can tell me my birth date and my last name, I will leave obediently. If you can’t figure it out, it means you’re a charlatan.”

Mo Wenxian's face darkened when he heard the words.

"Mo Daxian, let him count! What kind of a kid is this kid, he dares to be so arrogant!" In the crowd, Mo Wenxian's supporters immediately shouted loudly.

One word stirred up a thousand waves, and the crowd suddenly boiled, and they all loudly supported Mo Wenxian.

Mo Wenxian has always been praised as a god by others, but Xia Zishang's face darkened when Xia Zishang was so rude, and he quickly took out the compass from his arms.

Mo Wenxian breathed out, and the compass spun quickly.

However, Mo Wenxian's five fingers moved quickly to calculate, but nothing was calculated.

In an instant, Mo Wenxian's expression on looking at Xia Zishang changed.

Xia Zishang looked at Mo Wenxian with a sneer, then raised her brows high, "Why, can't you figure it out?"

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Mo Wenxian looked at Xia Zishang warily and asked.

He was surprised to find that there was a strong barrier around Xia Zishang, which blocked his strength and made him unable to spy on Xia Zishang, so naturally he couldn't fortune tell her!
It can be seen that this person in front of him is definitely not an ordinary person!
"Nothing, I just want to come and fight with you, Mo Daxian." Xia Zishang smiled slightly and took out the Nuwa mirror.

Mo Wenxian retreated vigilantly, but he was still a step too late.

Seeing a flash of white light on Nuwa's magic mirror, Master Mo and Xia Zishang were swallowed into it at the same time.

Accompanied by the exclamation of the people around, the Nuwa mirror rose into the sky and flew over the heads of the people.

Everyone looked up, just in time to see the scene reflected in the mirror.

Immediately, a person in the crowd pointed to the mirror and said loudly, "Look, Immortal Mo is in the mirror!"

ps: Add more during the day, ask for tickets

(End of this chapter)

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