God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 792 What is Murder and Punishment?

Chapter 792 What is Murder and Punishment?

Mo Wenxian only felt that the scene in front of him changed drastically after a period of dizziness passed.

It was clearly daytime just now, but now it was night before his eyes.

At this time, he was standing in a very dilapidated small yard, because it was winter, and the cold wind kept pouring into his clothes along the collar of his clothes. Except for the plum tree, there were no other flowers and trees in the yard. All withered.

Although this dilapidated small courtyard looked very run down, it was obviously cleaned up carefully. There was not a single debris on the ground, and even very little dust.

The plum blossom tree bloomed especially vigorously, adding a bit of vitality to the dilapidated courtyard.

Mo Wenxian stood in the small courtyard, his eyes quickly looked around, and his expression gradually changed to panic.

He knew exactly where this small courtyard was.

How could he come to this place suddenly?

Before, he clearly remembered that ten years ago, he was the one who burned the yard to ashes!
"Who is playing tricks! Get out!" Mo Wenxian swallowed and shouted loudly.

Feeling that the surrounding cold was almost penetrating into the bone marrow, Mo Wenxian hugged his arms tremblingly, not daring to leave, let alone enter the door.

Mo Wenxian didn't know that his helpless appearance had already been seen by the guests in Fuze Pavilion through the mirror, and Xia Zishang and Jingli were also observing in another space in Nuwa's mirror. with him.

At the core of Nuwa's mirror is a mysterious and different space.

Xia Zishang was in the space, lazily holding a tea bowl, drinking tea with Jingli opposite her.

Not far from their feet, there is a small deep pond. There are lotus duckweeds floating on the water surface in the pond. Now the water surface is slightly rippling, and the scene reflected on it is exactly the area where Mo Wenxian is. In the illusion, Xia Zishang can clearly observe Mo Wenxian's every move just by looking sideways.

Moreover, the space they are in is completely hidden, and the people in Fuze Pavilion can only see Mo Wenxian through the mirror, but not them.

"Jingli, what kind of illusion do you plan to show Mo Wenxian?" Xia Zishang asked, casting her lazy gaze at Jingli.

"I peeped into the memory of this man just now. He had a daughter at the beginning, but his youngest son died when he was born. This hit his wife very hard, and then his wife went crazy day and night, and finally forced this The man became murderous, killed his wife and daughter, and became a cultivator by relying on the corpse oil refined from the corpses of his wife and daughter. I intend to let him re-experience the scene of killing his wife and daughter so that he can have a good time. You can't extricate yourself from the pain."

Jingli originally thought her idea was good, but Xia Zishang shook her head in disapproval after hearing this, "No, it's not cruel enough."

Mo Wenxian's hands were covered with blood, which killed many innocent people.

Now even if he sees the illusion of the past, it may not have too much influence on him.

She wanted to make Mo Wenxian go crazy in pain, not just teach him a small lesson.

Jingli shrugged her shoulders indifferently, and said, "Then you can try to manipulate the illusion yourself, and then he will experience whatever you want that man to experience."

"Okay, I'll let you see today what it means to kill people." Xia Zishang's lips curled into a dangerous smile. At this moment, the lotus steps lightly moved to the pool, and stretched out her jade fingers to condense her spiritual power. Just a little bit on that water.

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(End of this chapter)

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