Chapter 793
Mo Wenxian in the illusion felt a gust of wind sweeping over the back of his neck, that weird feeling was like a dead man opening his mouth to breathe out at him, making him tremble in fright.

He subconsciously wanted to leave, but unexpectedly there was the sound of the door opening behind him.

"Daddy!" Immediately afterwards, the girl's delicate voice sounded in surprise.

Hearing that familiar voice, Mo Wenxian was so frightened that he almost ran away on the spot.

He turned around stiffly and looked towards the room behind him.

I saw a little girl wearing a flowered jacket and two small buns on her hair standing at the door looking at him in surprise.

"Mother, it's really Daddy who's back!" The little girl's Bai Nen face showed a smile of extreme joy, like a cheerful lark, galloping towards Mo Wenxian, "Daddy, Meier has been waiting for you for a long time."

Mo Wenxian was terrified by this juicy little girl, he couldn't believe his eyes, he didn't dare to move because of his stiff body.

"Daddy, why are you ignoring Meier?" Mo Xiaomei tilted her head in confusion, and asked dissatisfied with her small mouth.

The vivid expression of the little girl almost frightened Mo Wenxian to death. His voice was trembling, and he almost screamed and asked, "Are you a human or a ghost? Hmm? Answer me!"

As he spoke, Mo Wenxian's eyes were bloodshot, and he reached out to grab Mo Xiaomei.

Mo Xiaomei shrank her neck in fright, and before Mo Wenxian could touch her, a delicate woman came out of the room.

"Sir, why don't you come in?"

The woman's gentle questioning voice made Mo Wenxian stop the movement of his hands in mid-air, and then he turned his head to look at the woman in disbelief.

It was a beautiful woman, wearing a plain dress, her gentle face was full of doubts, and she was looking at her from afar.

Seeing this scene, Mo Wenxian raised his hand and slapped himself hard.

There was a snap, crisp and loud.

"Ouch!" Qiao rushed over quickly, grabbed his hand, and saw a bright red slap on Mo Wenxian's face.

A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Mo Wenxian's mouth, which showed how many hands he had laid.

"Are you frozen stupid? Why are you beating yourself?" Qiao Shi wiped away the blood from the corner of Mo Wenxian's mouth with a handkerchief distressedly, and asked complainingly.

Of course Mo Wenxian wanted to fight, because he couldn't believe that his dead wife and daughter would appear in front of him again.

What the hell is going on? He clearly killed the mother and daughter with his own hands back then. He still remembers Qiao's unrepentant expression when he stabbed her to death with a knife, and even more remembers that he strangled Mo Xiaomei to death with his own hands. At the time, my daughter's face was bruised and purple due to lack of oxygen!
He originally thought that he was just under an illusion, but he didn't expect that his slap was hot and painful, which showed that he was definitely not under an ordinary illusion!
But this slap still made Mo Wenxian recover temporarily from his fear.

All of this is really too weird, but he can't leave here for the time being, and he can only take one step at a time.

"Mother, Daddy is so cold, let's go back to the house first." Mo Xiaomei said softly.

Qiao Shi nodded, and hurriedly pulled Mo Wenxian in together with Mo Xiaomei.

Mo Wenxian suppressed the fear in his heart and had no choice but to follow into the house.

As soon as he entered the room, the pleasant smell of food came over his face, making Mo Wenxian's expression flicker, as if he had returned to ten years ago.

Mo Wenxian didn't have time to immerse himself in the memories for too long, when a child's crying came ear-piercingly.

(End of this chapter)

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