God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 797 Did you already know that Mo Daxian is a bad guy?

Chapter 797 Did you already know that Mo Daxian is a bad guy?

Everyone looked at Xia Zishang now, not as disrespectfully as at the beginning, but looked at her cautiously.

"Young master, what's going on here? Did you already know that Mo Daxian is a bad person?" The old woman who initially refuted Xia Zishang walked out tremblingly, looked at her uneasily and asked.

Everyone was also silent, waiting for Xia Zishang's answer.

"Yes, I knew from the beginning that I came here today to expose Mo Wenxian's tricks." Xia Zishang slowly glanced over the faces of the crowd, and said, "Mo Wenxian practiced sorcery, and they In the sachets given to you, there are also Gu worms that can absorb your essence. Essence is the foundation of a person. Once the essence is absorbed, those of you who have used the sachet will only have A dead end."

"If you don't believe me, you can check to see if the sachets on your bodies are Gu worms." After Xia Zishang finished speaking, everyone opened their sachets.

They all took out the round beads containing the Gu worms from the sachet. Some people had been raising the Gu worms for a long time. When they took out the round beads, they found that the Gu worms inside were still wriggling, and they threw them away in fright. Zhuzhu screamed.

"Each of you take your own beads, otherwise, if the Gu insects are not properly dealt with, you will still be killed by the Gu insects." Xia Zishang's light words made everyone present tremble in fright.

"Master, what should we do with this Gu worm!" Someone asked in a crying voice.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present looked at Xia Zishang with eyes full of hope.

Xia Zishang looked at the people waiting for her to help, as if she saw a large wave of merit points approaching her, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, showing a calm but confident smile, "Don't worry, everyone, next time Naturally, there is a way to deal with the Gu worms. But because there are too many Gu worms, I need to go back and prepare."

"Then, Master, where should we find you?" Someone asked impatiently.

"You can go to the Yewang Mansion tomorrow and find me." Xia Zishang replied with a smile. "Tomorrow morning, I will be waiting for you at Yewang Mansion."

"Ye Wang Mansion? Are you the Master Xia Ye who saved the current Holy One?" Someone in the crowd asked loudly after hearing that Master Xia Ye and Ye Wang had a close relationship.

Most of the people present had heard of Xia Ye's name, but had never seen the deity, so they didn't recognize Xia Zishang's identity at first.

Xia Zishang smiled and nodded.

Everyone saw that Xia Zishang had no airs at all, and always maintained a calm and polite attitude, unlike Mo Wenxian, who always puts on a posture of a superior person who thinks he is noble.

"Master Xia is really a living Bodhisattva."

"Yes, since Master Xia can solve His Majesty's worries and problems, he must be better than Immortal Mo, ah bah, that bastard Immortal Mo is much better."

"Yes, the most important thing is that Master Xia Ye is really a master without any airs."


Of course, a very small part of the crowd still believed in Mo Daxian. At this time, they stood there with a gloomy face, looking at Xia Zishang with almost murderous eyes.

But Xia Zishang didn't care, and calmly left amidst the discussion.

At this time, everything that happened in Fuze Pavilion fell into the eyes of the woman standing at the railing on the second floor of the teahouse opposite Fuze Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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