God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 798 Didn't Think He Scared Him Half To Death

Chapter 798 Didn't Think He Scared Him Half To Death

The long black dress wrapped the woman's petite and exquisite body, outlining a curve that made people unable to take their eyes off. The waves on her chest almost popped out of the tightly wrapped chest.

Jiang Yuxiang held the railing with his hand, and stared at Xia Zishang coldly with a pair of extremely seductive eyes drawn with dark purple eyeshadow.

When Xia Zishang walked to the front of the carriage, she suddenly felt a poisonous snake-like gaze closely following her, so she suddenly turned her head and looked at Jiang Yuxiang's position.

Jiang Yuxiang met Xia Zishang's eyes unexpectedly, and panic subconsciously flashed in her heart, but in an instant she remembered that she was covered with a black veil covering most of her face, so she turned to Xia Zishang He blinked charmingly.

Xia Zishang watched the alluring woman wink and discharge at her, then looked away coldly, turned and got into the carriage.

After watching the carriage leave, Jiang Yuxiang took out a communication stone from his sleeve, and said a word to the communication stone in a tone of impatience and excitement.

"Nuwa's magic mirror is missing. Help me quickly!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yuxiang's body turned into a black bird and chased after the carriage.

After Xia Zishang left Fuze Pavilion, she returned to her small house.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the house, she just opened the curtain of the carriage and was about to get off when she saw Xuanyuan Yelan and the three little buns at the gate.

Xia Zishang was surprised at first, and then a slight smile flashed in her eyes. She was about to get off the carriage, but she saw Xuanyuan Yelan holding Qingcheng in front of her.

"Shang'er, you don't need to get out of the carriage, we just happened to go out together." Xuanyuan Yelan said warmly.

Xia Zishang took Qingcheng into her arms and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Mother, you'll know when you get to the place. Daddy is going to give you a surprise." Qing Mo said with a mysterious smile.


Xia Zishang looked at Xuanyuan Yelan, who nodded at her, "Mo'er is right, I want to surprise you, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Xuanyuan Yelan picked up Qing Mo with one hand and Yun Yu with the other, and got into the carriage.

After the family sat in the carriage, Xuanyuan Yelan said to the boy driving the carriage, "Go to the black market."

When Xia Zishang heard that Xuanyuan Yelan asked her to go to the black market, she became even more curious about what surprise he was going to give her.

There was a gentle smile on Xuanyuan Yelan's thin lips, she looked at Xia Zishang and asked, "Is everything going well?"

Xia Zishang nodded, "I originally thought that Immortal Mo was quite capable, but I didn't expect him to scare me half to death..."

Immediately afterwards, she briefly told Xuanyuan Yelan what happened in Fuze Pavilion today.

The three little buns also listened carefully to Xia Zishang's words, and when she finished speaking, the three little buns applauded her in unison.

It's good that my mother taught the big villain a lesson.

"Mother, will that scoundrel seek revenge on you in the future?" Qingcheng asked worriedly.

"Qingcheng, you underestimate our mother too much. If that scoundrel dares to come to our door, mother will definitely beat him to the ground." Qing Mo said with a smile.

Yun Yu looked at Xia Zishang with a look of admiration, nodded vigorously, and continued, "Although I said so, mother should be more careful. That villain must like to use tricks."

Xuanyuan Yelan looked at Xia Zishang dotingly, and said in a warm voice, "That Mo Wenxian must be Mistress Miao Jiang's minion, maybe we can start with him and find out the whereabouts of Mistress Miao Jiang."

Xia Zishang nodded, and was about to tell Xuanyuan Yelan to send someone to watch over Mo Wenxian, when the originally stable carriage suddenly staggered, and then crazily accelerated and galloped forward.

 There will be two more changes in a while, the writing is not quite right, change it and change it again!Jia is here during the day, asking for tickets

(End of this chapter)

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