God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 799 Come all who should come out

Chapter 799 Come all who should come out

The carriage suddenly shook violently, and the three little buns were thrown out of their positions because they were unstable.

Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang were shocked, they rushed forward and hugged the three little buns separately, so as not to hurt them.

Outside the car, the groom who was driving was yelling in panic, "My lord, the horse suddenly went berserk and lost control!"

Following the coachman's words, there were panicked shouts from the pedestrians outside the car.

In the car, they could clearly feel the speed of the carriage they were riding in. Xia Zishang protected the children and said to Xuanyuan Yelan, "Yelan, this is a busy city, and the streets are full of pedestrians!"

In such a densely populated place, if the carriage suddenly runs away, it is very likely that people will die!
"I understand, you protect the child, and I will take care of other things." Xuanyuan Yelan opened the curtain and came out of the car, and saw the driver struggling to hold the reins in his hand, but he still couldn't hold back the violent horses .

These fierce horses didn't know what stimulated them. Their eyes were red, their noses let out angry panting, their hooves stomped heavily on the ground, and they pulled the carriage and galloped along the road.

If you look carefully, there is a bloody imprint on the brows of these fierce horses, and there is an extremely sinister aura on the imprint. The expression on Xuanyuan Yelan's face changes quickly, and a few spiritual powers are swept away by raising his hand. He came out and hit the mark between the horse's eyebrows heavily.

"Woo-!" The horses were deeply stimulated, and at the same time opened their throats, letting out a heart-piercing scream.

The horses became more restless, shaking their heads in pain, resisting the control of Xuanyuan Yelan's spiritual power, and the galloping horseshoes slowed down visibly with the naked eye.

"Mother, what happened?" The three children hid in Xia Zishang's arms, they were all terrified, and asked anxiously.

"It's okay, your father will protect us." Xia Zishang hugged the three children tightly, and suddenly heard a hoarse bird song from above the carriage.

This bird song was gloomy and piercing, and almost at the moment it sounded, it made Xia Zishang feel extremely unhappy.

Xia Zishang didn't have time to find out why the bird's song was so weird, and the horses outside the car ran away even more violently after hearing the bird's song.

One by one, like wild beasts that have lost their minds, the imprints on the brows of the horses flashed red, and after knocking over the vendors on the roadside, they turned around suddenly amidst the screams of pedestrians, and plunged into the alley beside the road inside.

The alley was very narrow. Once the carriage entered, the entire alley was filled to the brim. The wheels bumped against the ground, causing the entire carriage to shake violently.

It was the exit of the alley conveniently in front of him, Xuanyuan Yelan saw the right moment, and the moment the horses rushed out of the alley, he forcibly shattered the mark between their eyebrows with spiritual power.

The horses uttered a dying cry, staggered under their feet, fell heavily to the ground, and gasped weakly and painfully.

Xuanyuan Yelan looked at where they were at the moment, her gaze sank slightly.

After passing through the alley, they came to an open space, surrounded by many alleys, and where they are now, is at the intersection of all the alleys, and there are empty alleys in all directions.

Feeling the aura of hundreds of people hidden in the surrounding alleys, Xuanyuan Yelan raised the corners of his lips coldly, "Since everyone has come, there is no need to keep hiding, and those who should come out, come out! "

(End of this chapter)

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