Chapter 1163
Now he actually asked me to spare his life? ! "

The commander looked like he was going to run away with anger from the two villains in front of him at any time, his eyes were about to burst, his blood vessels were swollen, like that, if he could swallow these two people alive, he would definitely bite them down immediately Same.

"Notify everyone, gather on the playground!" Paralyzed, you must give these bastards a little color today, otherwise it will really lead to a catastrophe that day, and they won't even have time to cry!
The commander gave an order, and not long after, the soldiers gathered on the training ground.

There are not many soldiers here, only 3, and they are responsible for the security of this area on weekdays. A team of 3 people gathered in no time.

Being called up by the commander in the middle of the night, everyone was very upset.After hearing the news that everyone got up because of two idiots smoking in the shell area, I was even more angry.

Paralyzed, these two idiots, where the hell are you hiding and smoking?Smoking in the shell area!Don't you know that smoking will kill you if you are caught?What the hell, he was actually caught by the commander!Is smoking more important than life?What a lack of thought!

What's the matter, the leader is also true.Didn't he just smoke a cigarette?As for catching one and losing one?If it is on fire, just put out the fire, why do you have to kill people!
In short, they are all a bunch of people who are not worried, and they don't feel like letting people sleep well!

Although everyone complained endlessly in their hearts, they were all soldiers after all. After forming a line, they still stood upright and disciplined.

On a high platform built right in front of the army, the two smokers knelt on the ground in a very sad way, their faces were weeping. Although they knew that they would be treated as a typical example today, they still kept begging for mercy.

Seeing their sad appearance, those who smoked in private but were not caught felt a wave of fear at the moment, and they also deeply sympathized with these two unlucky people.

Nima, in the middle of the night, even the dog stopped barking and smoked a cigarette quietly, but he was caught by the commander who woke up frequently to urinate and walked around the barracks by the way.What is this called!
At the same time, he hated the commander more and more in his heart.

They are all private troops of the Murong Mansion, when they followed General Yan there, there was a rule in the army that they were not allowed to smoke.But time flies so slowly, who doesn't take a couple of sips when they are bored.

However, General Yan would never really behead a smoker. When he was in a good mood, he would pretend he hadn't seen it.It's not like him, an airborne commander popped up out of nowhere, and he would chop off people's heads at every turn.

"You are very dissatisfied with the punishment of this commander, right?"

A loud roar came from the front, and everyone looked at their noses and noses, and did not answer.There is no need to answer this kind of question at all. The official rank crushes people to death, and their lives are like ants. He can do whatever he wants!

"This commander knows that you say in private that this commander is unreasonable. He is not as kind as General Yan, nor is he as loving as General Yan. When General Yan finds you smoking, he sometimes pretends not to see him, and sometimes he beats you a few times when he finds you smoking. Board, so you are very dissatisfied with this commander!
But this Commander tells you that if this Commander is in the position of General Yan, he can turn a blind eye to you! "

Cut - cheating ghosts!

(Updated on August 2th)
I wish you all a happy new year and all the best!Atom is here to wish you all New Year greetings!

(End of this chapter)

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