Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1164 Aiming—Boom!

Chapter 1164 Aiming—Boom!

Cut—a person like you still wants to sit in the position of General Yan, dreaming!

After one sentence, all the soldiers collectively "cut" in their hearts.

"You may think that this commander is fake, but today, this commander risked his life to tell you why you can't smoke here? Why should everyone who smokes here have to let them die, so as to set an example to others."

After all, he said to the guard: "Push the things up for me!"

After a while, a cannon with a red robe was pushed up by two soldiers and pushed to the middle.

Seeing the cannon in red, the eyes of the big guys lit up.

This thing was blown up super mysterious by the people above, but I have never seen the power of this big thing.They have been unable to figure out, just such a cumbersome thing, why should it go to the battlefield, why should it kill the enemy?

I heard the people above say that as long as there is this thing, 1 people can beat 20 or [-] people. They expressed deep doubts.No one knows how to use this thing, it's big and heavy, and it's completely cheating on the battlefield.

But since the lord cares so much about this thing, it means that the thing also has a certain use, let them see, what is so good about this thing!

"These two people were smoking in the shell room just now, let's see how powerful this shell is!" After finishing speaking, he put a shell into the barrel and turned around.

"Look carefully, the mountain one mile ahead of us. There is a big tree at a height of twenty feet. Do you see it?"

"I see!" Everyone yelled.

Damn it!Does he still want to use this thing to attack such a long-distance tree?All the soldiers were shocked in their hearts at this moment.

Damn it!

The same swearing, the Storm team members also burst out violently.

Because the muzzle of the cannon was so undead that it was aimed right at where they were.

"Get out of the way!"

Xiao Yimo let out a low cry, and the team members of the Storm rushed to hide from both sides at the fastest speed.But even when their lives were at risk, their movements did not become louder because of this.

Because they know that they can sacrifice, but they must not spoil the grand master's event!

With a loud noise, not only did the tree pointed at by the prescription disappear one mile ahead, but even the surrounding area of ​​the tree disappeared.The area that was originally verdant and verdant has become bare at this moment, only the trees deep in the back are still burning with raging fire.

The power of this cannon shocked all the soldiers here, and also shocked the two people on the stage who were going to be typical later.

Seeing everyone's jaws almost dislocated in surprise, the Commander asked with satisfaction: "Just now, the Commander just put a cannonball in, and you have seen how powerful it is.

You know how many bombs were placed in the cave where the bombs were stored, and the two of them actually smoked in the cave where the bombs were stored. If the bombs were detonated, do you know what would happen? "

After the commander finished speaking, everyone was still staring at the opposite mountain in shock.

There is no way, the impact is too great, too shocking, it cannot be blamed that they are still staring at that place at this moment.

These people have been looking at this side, but they have suffered a lot from the Storm players.

Zheng Rong's team was a little farther away from the place where they were bombarded.

(End of this chapter)

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