Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1377 Shooting Arrows!

Chapter 1377 Shooting Arrows!

If one day the Northern Wei invaded Xiliang, and he could make meritorious service in Xuanyuan Mansion, and even be named king of the opposite sex, then his grandfather would never touch him no matter what.But the current situation is that even if the Northern Wei Dynasty wins, Xuanyuan Mansion will not benefit at all, so why should he put his hot face on his grandson's cold ass?
Xuanyuan Mansion has always used force to speak, since it cannot be an alliance, it can only become an enemy.For the enemy, you can't blame him for being cruel.

Xuanyuan Yexiao also knew his grandfather quite well.This seems to be very close, the distance that can jump into the river with a somersault, but for him it is close to death.

At the same time that Xuanyuan Chun shouted the command "shoot the arrow" from a distance, Xuanyuan Yexiao was hundreds of meters away, but he turned around in the air with a very tacit understanding.

Arrows rained down like a waterfall, and Xuanyuan Yexiao desperately swung the sword in his hand to block his vitals.

"Puff puff--"

With the sound of the arrow entering the body, Xuanyuan Yexiao finally submerged in the water.

Although he has been hit by arrows in many places all over his body at this moment, and his arms are also unable to hold his own sword because of the arrows, Xuanyuan Yexiao, who was submerged in the water, knew that he was still in extreme danger at this moment, so he tried his best to face him. Lurking underwater.

Although this river was not very deep, it flowed relatively fast, and it was the river in the backyard of Xuanyuan Mansion, so he knew very well where there were undercurrents and hidden reefs in this river.

If he had been allowed to dive into this river at his peak, he would be almost 5% sure that he would be able to escape from here, but now that he was seriously injured, facing the [-] Yulin army, this certainty became less than [-]%.

But hope is better than no hope!

Thinking of Bailifeng and his mother's death, Xuanyuan Yexiao swam like a fish in the middle and lower part of the current with firm belief.

Streams of bright red floated out of the cool river water, which was the blood gurgling from Xuanyuan Yexiao's wound.The bright red washed away with the river shortly after floating up, and disappeared in an instant.

"Get ready, shoot the arrow!"

This time, without waiting for Xuanyuan Chun to give an order, Xuanyuan Yeyu, who had already been anxious to the side, twisted his face and yelled at the soldiers who had already prepared on the high platform: "Long-range launch!"

On the recently built high platforms more than 30 meters away from the river, the long-range archery equipment has already been set up. After receiving Xuanyuan Yeyu's order, he waved his hand at Xuanyuan Yexiao's aiming hands. The five soldiers around him who were holding a huge bow and arrow let go at the same time.

A super big arrow with three fingers thick and extremely sharp arrow shot towards the direction of Hexin Xuanyuan Yexiao's dive.

The moment the arrow left the bow and arrow, a white rope tied to the tail of the arrow also shot out along with the arrow, pulling out a long white tail behind it, which sank into the water together with the arrow in a parabolic shape .

On several other high platforms, the aimers are fully prepared. As long as the hit misses, they will immediately make up the second arrow, the third arrow, and the fourth arrow, and so on. Confident, it was absolutely impossible for Xuanyuan Yexiao, who was seriously injured, to escape their attacks in the water.

In order to avoid the damage from the arrows, Xuanyuan Yexiao, who dived into the water, had already seen the place when he jumped into the river——
(End of this chapter)

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