Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1378 Xuanyuan Yexiao is Seriously Injured

Chapter 1378 Xuanyuan Yexiao is Seriously Injured
Fortunately, there are several undercurrents here, so the first time he entered the water, he swam towards the cracks in these undercurrents.

Sure enough, after the arrows shot by the archers were submerged in the water, especially after the attack power weakened and they encountered the undercurrent, they were immediately swept away by the undercurrent and changed direction. Some of them were not strong enough, and were even directly swept away by the undercurrent. up.

Although a few arrows still hurt him, they were just ordinary scratches. Compared with the other sword wounds on his body, it was nothing worth mentioning.

If he rushed forward about 50 meters away, there would be a big undercurrent. As long as he could get there, he would have a greater chance of escaping.

50 meters is not too long a distance for a river with more turbulent water flow.At this moment, Xuanyuan Yexiao even began to feel that as long as there were no accidents, as long as he didn't become unconscious underwater, his chances of escaping and ascending to heaven would be more than [-]%.

But at this moment, a super arrow that was twice as long, three times thicker, and four times faster than the other arrows sank into the water.

Out of the swordsman's instinctive reaction to infinity, Xuanyuan Yexiao actually turned around and took a look when he was escaping for his life.

It didn't matter. Xuanyuan Yexiao's heart was instantly filled with powerlessness and despair after seeing the arrows that could not even affect the undercurrent and shot towards his body.

The speed of this arrow was too fast, from when it entered the water to when it shot into his body, it was faster than the speed of ordinary arrows in the air, and he in the water had almost no time to turn sideways, so he felt There was a sharp pain in the chest and abdomen.

After this extremely thick arrow pierced his body in an instant, the extremely sharp arrow in front of him opened instantly after it got out of his body, and the entire barb expanded to the width of a palm.

Xuanyuan Yexiao resisted the severe pain that almost made him dizzy, and with trembling hands, he reached out for the dagger at his waist, wanting to cut off the main artery in his neck, he would rather die than live and let himself become Yelu Boyang's bargaining chip to threaten Baili.

However, after the word "up" sounded on the river bank, the arrow inserted into his body suddenly sent a huge pulling force backwards, and the barb on his chest was quickly tightened under the effect of this pulling force, hooking his body. The body is pulled toward.

The moment the thick arrow sank into the body, the pain was already enough, but now the people on the river bank have come up with such a vicious method, using an extremely wide barb and a rope, ignoring the resistance of the water, and stabbing him with his wound Ruggedly dragged from the water.

Xuanyuan Yexiao instantly let out a roar of extreme pain under the water, and the dagger he just got in his hand fell into the river due to the sudden and almost unbearable pain.

When Bailifeng rode a war horse on the road for more than ten days without eating or sleeping, he rushed towards Xuanyuan Mansion with his bodyguards and all available people in Mingyue Tower and Anye almost non-stop. The capital is about to close the gates.

Although the second brother and Xiao'er had already promised to keep a low profile and keep a low profile, but at this moment, when they knew that Xuanyuan Yexiao's life was in danger...

Low key?

Paralyzed low-key!
Grass Ta Yelu Boyang's low-key [-]th generation ancestors!

Bailifeng and a group of subordinates carried explosives with them,
(End of this chapter)

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