Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1861 [Fan Wai] Desperate

Chapter 1861 [Fan Wai] Desperate

But just now he was looking from the opposite side, and he was not wearing pants at the time, can you see it?
So with a wave of Di's sleeve, the trousers on that leg disappeared again.

Then put on the same posture as before, and looked in the middle again, while looking, while carefully thinking about the possibility of being seen by the other party just now.

When Zhan Xintang returned to the baby's bedroom, what he saw was this scene that surprised him.

I always thought he was just showing off, but the word actually doesn't have any derogatory connotations.The fox is born to be the best in coquettishness.But she never expected that this coquettish fox would be so perverted!
Not only did he look at himself, but he also looked at himself in that provocative pose just now.

This is really...

tsk tsk!
Zhan Xintang searched for all the words that could be used in his mind, and finally he found that he was at a loss for words when it came to this sassy fox.

It's okay, as long as you don't see it!
Di let out a foul breath, and finally looked up with satisfaction.

But just when he raised his head, he saw Zhan Xintang standing at the door, who was completely stunned.

Holding the big pearl, Zhan Xintang shook it mechanically in front of Di again, cleared his throat, laughed dryly, and said, "Well... I came back to get the pearl, I took it out just now to put the baby to sleep, and now I Take it back. You...you..."

After making a gesture of "you continue" to Di, he turned around like a wooden man, with his left hand and left foot, swaying his body uncoordinatedly and left.

No wonder he can't walk anymore.

If you want to blame, you can only blame Di's movements for being too terrifying!
Walking on the road, Zhan Xintang only felt a circle of birds chirping around his head, and his whole head was dizzy.


There was a muffled landing sound from behind, Zhan Xintang stopped in fright, and then ran away as if a ghost was chasing him.

Poor Di, seeing the awkward appearance of his left hand and left foot when Zhan Xintang left, under the extreme depression and shock, he fell off the bed in shock.

Di, who fell to the ground, did not get up and roar at Zhan Xintang, or directly kill and silence him as Zhan Xintang imagined.

He just lay motionless on the ground, staring blankly at the ceiling, eyes full of despair and shock.

(End of this chapter)

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