Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1862 [Fanwai] The former rival in love

Chapter 1862 [Fanwai] The former rival in love
It's not that he wants to look at himself pervertedly, but that on the day when he transformed into a human form, because he was harassed by Gu insects, he transformed into a human form without knowing it, and then he kept jumping naked on the lawn like a thunder.

Later, when his father knew about it, he directly beheaded all the members of the Yaozu clan who saw his body that day, and told him that the Nine-tailed Fox clan is the most noble clan of the Yaozu clan. be seen by others.

Those who see their own bodies will either die or receive a harem. If they can't do both, they will die by themselves.

And those Yaozu tribe members who died back then were almost all court ladies, and the remaining little white rabbit was the daughter of the patriarch of the Rabbit tribe.

At the beginning, he didn't know there was such a rule, so when his father asked him if he planned to take the daughter of the head of the rabbit clan into the harem, his answer was that he only regarded her as his younger sister.

As a result, because of his words, the little rabbit was brutally killed by his father.

At that time, he blamed himself to death, and he couldn't get over the shock and grief for a long time.

Since then, he has never undressed in front of anyone.

And Ming who hurt him at the beginning, because he was stronger than him, he had no way to kill him, so in the end, he would rather die with his own soul scattered.

Of course, now that Ming is not dead, then between him and Ming, either you die or I die.Now that Chi Yan is back, I believe that Ming's death is only a matter of time.

He knew Yun Yue and Chi Yan too well.Since Chi Yan didn't kill Ming immediately, then Ming would definitely die a very miserable death.

So this person, he can basically completely ignore.

But what about Zhan Xintang?

Di stared at the ceiling in confusion, should he kill him, kill him, or kill him?

But the problem is, although he calls him a pervert every day, and looks like he wants to eat him, but although this guy is annoying, he is listed as one of his "own people" after all.

He really wanted to kill Zhan Xintang so cruelly?

What would happen to Yun Yue if he was killed?

Zhan Xintang was not only their friend, but also saved his life.Although he really didn't want to admit it, it was a fact that Zhan Xintang had healed his wounds for 25 consecutive days without taking off his clothes.

If he killed his friend and his savior because of this, how would he stand in this world?

But if you don't kill him, then you must send him to the harem...

Thinking of this, Di shivered with aversion to the cold, and his whole body became cold.

Although that pervert sometimes has a bad plot and likes to touch men, but after his observation, even if he is bent, he is at most just walking on the edge of the bend.

What's more, the two of them knew very well in their hearts that they had a common object of admiration, and that was Yun Yue.

Let the two former... count as rivals for the time being.

If two former rivals in love develop into that kind of relationship.

Di shuddered violently.

But let him kill himself with a knife now...

quit!He will never agree!

His good days have just arrived, and his beast disciples have just grown stronger.

Now that Chi Yan and Yun Yue have returned, more beasts will evolve into divine beasts in the future.Their beasts will flourish under his leadership.

Why should he want to die?

Finally, the corners of Di's brows twitched, and he made up his mind: Just pretend this never happened!

(End of this chapter)

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