Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 261 The heart of crying to death is ready!

Chapter 261 The heart of crying to death is ready!
If he performed well in the gust of wind and had extraordinary talents, I would also reuse them. "

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yimo said gratefully: "Thank you, Young Master, Yi Lei and I will definitely live up to your expectations."

Weight training continues.In the first 5 laps, everyone could barely keep up with Murong Xiao's pace due to the big man factor, and almost no one left the team.But after 5 laps, everyone's speed slowed down significantly, and several team members fell behind because of lack of energy.

Because the requirement is not to stop, so in order not to deduct points for their own team, although the speed of the team members who left the team was much slower, they did not dare to stop to rest.

Xiao Yimo and the hidden guards were sweating profusely. Because of their good physical strength, they were still able to keep up with the young master for the time being.But their own bodies knew that such a constant speed was really too much for them.

But look at Young Master again, although many beads of sweat have appeared on her forehead, and most of them have even flowed down, but she is still as light as before, without any sign of fatigue.

With a sinking heart, several selected captains secretly stepped up, gritted their teeth and continued to keep up.

After 10 laps, most of the people were so tired that they were about to lie down, but in order not to lose points for their team, everyone still gritted their teeth and persisted.And even if the captains gritted their teeth, they couldn't do it anymore, and the distance between them and Murong Xiao gradually widened.

After 15 laps, everyone was sweating profusely, blushing, watching in awe that their son was still running on the field as light as a swallow, and then slowly overtook them and continued to run forward.

And they themselves... not to mention the team members, even the captain Xiao Yimo, and the hidden guards sent to her by Qian Yeming could no longer hold on, falling behind by a distance of one or two laps.

After 20 laps, some players couldn't run anymore, and the weaker ones seemed almost to collapse.The teammates were afraid that their team would lose points if they fell down, so they could only ask the people counting for them to find some ropes, and tie the waists of these players while running.A strong lead a weak, so persist.

When the slow ones only ran 25 laps, Murong Xiao had already completed 50 laps of weight-carrying.

When she returned to the original point out of breath, scooped a bowl of water into the bucket, and gulped it down, everyone's jaws almost fell to the ground.

She ran 50 laps with a load and a distance of 80 miles. She didn't even lose her speed halfway, and she just ran the whole distance when No.2 only ran 33 laps.

And look at how she is now?Just take a slow pant and drink a bowl of water?

Murong Xiao drank the water, clapped his hands, and encouraged the team members on the field: "Come on, everyone! You can come and rest after running!"

Looking at Murong Xiao, whose breath had settled after drinking a bowl of water, the Kuangfeng team members were so frantic that they even wanted to cry.

Is their son a human?Is it a woman?How good is her stamina?How long can she run with such a load?

Seeing the team members looking at her bitterly, Murong smiled and said, "Persistence, everyone, is victory! After half a year, you will be like me. Think about the wind, think about the scenery after becoming an official team member , now everything can be endured! Come on!"

Looking at the players running slower than walking on the court,
(End of this chapter)

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