Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 262 Unlimited Potential

Chapter 262 Unlimited Potential
Murong Xiao didn't rush.In the early stage of weight-bearing running, the training is not speed, but endurance.The kind of stamina that must continue after being extremely tired and crazy.

This is a kind of training to the limit of the human body, the kind of limit that is so exhausted that you almost want to die immediately, but you must continue to persevere.

What is the limit?As long as people don't die, there will never be a limit.The limit is just a frame that everyone sets for their own body. As long as this subconscious frame can be broken, the potential of the human body can be tapped without limit and enter another frame.

And when the frames one by one are broken, the limits of the human body will expand accordingly.Then you will find that, in fact, the limit of the human body is much greater than what you imagined.

Of course, this also requires scientific command.

Although most of the men in front of her were running slower than walking after 20 laps, she would never underestimate them.She believes that under her step-by-step training, she can develop their endless limits and make each of them count as a hundred.

Before 30 laps, everyone felt that they were going to die, and there was no way to continue.But the strange thing is that after 30 laps, the body was exhausted to the limit, but somehow became lighter again.Even the further you get to the back, the less tired you feel.

Among the team members, Kong Fan had the highest martial arts, the best lightness kung fu, and the best physical strength, and he reached the finish line first after Murong Xiao.When the finish line arrived, An Yi, who thought he would definitely be exhausted and collapsed, miraculously found that he could still walk.

Although the walking speed was not much faster than climbing, he still straightened his body and walked to the bucket. After scooping up a bowl of water to drink, he picked up the wooden bucket and poured it on himself.

The originally chaotic spirit became clear in an instant.Feeling exhausted, he fell to the ground.

The hidden guards that Qianyeming assigned to her were indeed first-class experts and extremely determined people.Because the first four are all hidden guards.

Xiao Yimo lived up to her hopes and arrived fifth.

It is worth mentioning that although the four maids she brought with her are incomparable to these big men in terms of stature, they are stronger than many people in terms of endurance.

Xiao Miao was the last one to reach the finish line, and there were more than 30 team members behind her who did not reach the finish line.As for Jinse, who was the first to reach the finish line, her ranking was above 100.The toughness of the four servant girls completely exceeded Murong Xiao's expectation.

The person in charge of field records will record the arrival time and name of each team member one by one.When the last team member was dragged by another team member to complete the task, Murong Xiao smiled with satisfaction.

Running with a weight for the first time and not having anyone give up is already something to celebrate.

After the 100-mile weight-carrying run, the noon has passed, and after everyone rested for a quarter of an hour, the delicious food has also been cooked.

Although they have lived here for five days, they are not familiar with each other, so they don't like to talk much.But after the weight-carrying just now, the relationship between everyone is obviously much better. When they sit and eat together, they are obviously much closer than before.In particular, the relationship between teammates seems to have been sublimated after this weight-carrying run.

After lunch, Murong Xiao gathered everyone in a big room, which was a classroom she specially built for students.

Several simple loudspeakers designed by her are placed on the podium of the classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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