Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 263 Definition of Strong

Chapter 263 Definition of Strong
Otherwise, with 500 people, after she finishes speaking in a class, her voice will definitely be hoarse.

Looking at all the players in the audience with tired faces but extremely firm eyes, Murong asked with a smile: "Do you want to know what it's like to be a full-fledged member?"

"Everyone is a strong one against one!" A team member replied.

Murong smiled and nodded, and continued to ask: "Then how strong do you think you have to be to be called a strong man?"

The team members were obviously taken aback, still thinking about it, another team member rushed to answer: "High martial arts! Good stamina! Just like the young master!"

"Yes! Just like the son!"

After one team member said the meaning of being strong, the rest of the team began to agree.

After the weight-carrying just now, in their hearts, their young master is no longer the weak girl who is rich and powerful and can afford 500 strong men, but a real strong man who is much stronger than them.

So if you want to ask what a strong person is like, someone like Young Master can definitely be called a strong person.

Murong Xiao nodded, and said without humility: "I... can indeed become a strong person. But you will never be able to become a strong person like me. Because your knowledge and knowledge will never be more than mine .”

Murong Xiao's slap in the face made everyone startled, and then they lowered their heads.

"Although we can't reach the level of the young master, we can study hard. One day, even if we can't stand shoulder to shoulder with the young master, we will be able to keep up with the young master." Xiao Yimo said.

After today's weight-carrying, Xiao Yimo, who used to be quite confident in martial arts and physical strength, finally found a gap in front of the woman in front of him.

When he reached the finish line and saw Murong Xiao giving him appreciative glances, he secretly swore in his heart that one day, he would keep up with her.

"Kong Fan, what do you think, what is a strong man?" Murong smiled and asked An Yi.

Kong Fan thought for a moment and said: "Subordinates feel that those with profound internal strength, advanced martial arts, money, power, and brains are strong."

Kong Fan's words made Murong Xiao couldn't help raising his lips.This kid is talking about Qianyeming, right?
Murong smiled and nodded: "Such a person is indeed a strong man. But have you ever thought that when this strong man is surrounded by thousands of troops, is he still a strong man?"

Everyone was taken aback.That's not what I said, if even that is not considered strong, then what is it?
"I really want to train everyone to be strong, but can your internal strength be as strong as those of martial arts masters? Can your skills be as strong as those of martial arts masters?
Yes, you are in good health, and almost all of you have served in the military before.But no matter how strong you are, you are nothing but ordinary soldiers from the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Your starting point is not high, so don't think that after six months of training, you can become a master who can defeat one hundred. "

Seeing everyone dragging their heads and looking deeply shocked, Murong smiled and said: "However, although you don't have profound internal strength and don't know the peerless swordsmanship, as long as you are willing to work hard and desperately, I will be able to fight against you. Within six months, let you become a sharp sword that pierces thousands of troops, become the key to the success or failure of a war, and become the last straw that crushes the enemy."

Seeing that everyone's eyes lit up, Murong smiled and continued: "I can guarantee that in just six months here, you will be able to learn knowledge that you may not be able to learn outside in your lifetime.

(Updated on August 9th)
(End of this chapter)

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