Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 554 The Mysterious Caixia Birthmark

Chapter 554 The Mysterious Caixia Birthmark

Only then did he get in touch with the three masters again. "

What Mr. Jing said warmed Murong Xiao's heart.She always felt that Mr. Jing treated her differently, but she never thought that the reason why he stayed by Murong Qingyu's side all these years was to take care of her and protect her.

This also explains why when Murong Qingyun visited her in the secret room and gave her good things, Mr. Jing always turned a blind eye to it, but other girls never received such treatment.

"Xiaoer doesn't have the fiery red rainbow birthmark on her body, which means she is not the little princess she was back then. Why are you and the three brothers from the Baili family still so obsessed with treating her as that person?" Qian Yeming asked displeased.

Although he hopes that Xiao'er can find her family in this world in this life, it doesn't mean that he can tolerate others using his most cherished treasure as a substitute for other women.His smile is a unique woman in this world, much more precious than that princess!

"Prince, you also know that Miss is very beautiful. If you want to find another woman in this world who can be as beautiful as Miss, I'm afraid there is no one. But Miss is almost exactly the same as the former empress of the Northern Wei Dynasty! There are similar or even identical people in this world. There may be many, but such a delicate and beautiful face looks exactly the same, doesn't it explain everything?
As for the birthmark on the lady, it will disappear after half a year, and it is said that it will reappear after the age of 15. "

"How did you know?" Qian Yeming asked eagerly.Regarding Xiao'er, there is no room for carelessness.

"I only found out about this matter a year ago, which is why the three brothers of the Baili family have known about the existence of the young lady for so many years, but they have not come to look for it, but now they come to look for it one by one.

Once, I accompanied Murong Qingyu to receive the Great Priest Guangming. During the chat, I accidentally mentioned the events of the past. Back then, the Divine Sect sent a lot of manpower and material resources to find the baby girl with the birthmark of Caixia on her chest, but after half a year, they did not return. I searched for it, because the mysterious leader of the God Cult told them that the birthmark would only appear for half a year. If it could not be found within half a year, it would be very difficult to find it later, at least 15 years later, maybe longer.

So the lady didn't have a birthmark on her body before.Later, after the lady turned 15 years old, I asked her if she had such a birthmark, but she said no.

The birthmark was very strange, when it appeared, no matter what method was used, there was no way to hide it, but it was said that after half a year, it would disappear automatically without any method.

The reason why the three masters didn't come to **** is because they tried their best to remove the birthmark on Miss's body but found nothing, so they didn't believe that the birthmark would disappear naturally, so they didn't come for so many years .

But now, after learning about that incident, the three masters missed Miss Miss, and couldn't wait for the birthmark on Miss's body to reappear, so they came to Nanyue.Especially the emperor was willing to take the risk of coming to Nanyue just to see the lady. "

After all, Mr. Jing looked at Murong Xiao, with an elder's doting smile on his lips, and said: "Miss, you are indeed my little princess in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the sister whom the three masters have been looking for for many years! Wrong, but the three masters will never be wrong, they are all sure,

(End of this chapter)

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