Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 555 The next leader of the divine religion?

Chapter 555 The next leader of the divine religion?
You are my little princess of the Northern Wei Dynasty! "

"At that time, why did the gods want to search for babies who were born in a cloudy year with a rainbow birthmark on their chest?"

Ignoring the issue of Murong Xiao's identity, Qian Yeming frowned deeply at this moment.Whether Xiaoer of his family is the emperor's princess or a beggar's child, Qian Yeming has already taken over her future life, so being a princess is just icing on the cake.

Hearing what Mr. Jing said just now, what he was most worried about was what idea the gods would make fun of.If Xiao'er is really the person the God Cult is looking for, then he must find a way to stop it in advance.

He has always disliked the divine religion, and he was even more unwilling to have anything to do with the divine religion.After the first emperor and first queen of the Northern Wei Dynasty gave birth to the little princess, they have been trying to remove the birthmark, which has already explained too many problems.

Mr. Jing frowned and said: "The great priest of Guangming said that the baby with the birthmark of Caixia was blessed by the Emperor of Heaven and would be the next successor of the Divine Cult, so if the Divine Cult found this baby at that time, she should have been urinated since she was a child. He was brought up by the leader of the god religion who never showed his face, and spent time in the god religion.

It's just that the words are so, but the first emperor and first empress never believed it.

You also know that, except for the Northern Wei Dynasty, the queens of other countries are saints elected by the divine religion.In fact, the Northern Wei Dynasty was no exception. The first empress was also a saint selected by the divine religion, but she had a particularly deep relationship with the first emperor.

Once the emperor followed the archbishop, and he wanted to know where the archbishop would take the empress to do during the Ghost Festival on the [-]th of July every year.

As a result of the follow-up, it was discovered that the first queen was put on a bed by the archbishop. At that time, the first queen had passed out, and the archbishop was using a magic weapon in his hand to extract from the first queen the dragon that the first emperor had left on her for a year. gas.

The first emperor didn't know it at the time, thinking that the archbishop was hurting the first queen, and violently rescued her in anger.Unexpectedly, the archbishop's martial arts were exceptionally strong. Even the late emperor, who had deep inner strength, was severely injured by the archbishop's waving of his sleeves, and his heart was injured.

The archbishop spared his life after discovering that his attacker was the former emperor.At the same time, he also told him that the reason why the Divine Sect blessed the Northern Wei Dynasty was to exchange for his dragon energy, so let him continue to pay for the Divine Sect, otherwise the Northern Wei Dynasty would no longer be protected by the Divine Sect.

Although the first emperor didn't know what the gods were collecting the dragon spirits of the emperors of various countries, this matter had become a knot in the first emperor's heart. He felt that the gods might not be as beautiful and sacred as everyone imagined.

Later, the first emperors and first queens had an in-depth understanding of the emperors and empresses of various countries, and found that almost all the emperors of various countries were born in the year of the dragon and the moon of the dragon, while the queens of all countries were all born when the moon was cloudy and the sun was cloudy.

Bagua emphasizes the harmony of yin and yang, but the emperors and empresses of all countries happen to be made of the purest combination of yin and yang.

Except that the little princess was born with a birthmark of Caixia, she was born in a cloudy year when the moon was cloudy and the sun was cloudy.Therefore, the first emperor and the first empress suspected that the divine sect wanted to use the little princess as the most suitable tripod vessel, and use her body to contain more pure yang energy.

So when the little princess was born, the first queen gave birth quietly in a secret room. After giving birth, she didn't even sit on the confinement, and immediately appeared in the palace pretending to be pregnant, making everyone think she was not born yet.

until the cloudy day has passed for seven full days,

(End of this chapter)

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