Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 60 Rescue Ye Ming from Distress

Chapter 60 Rescuing Qianyeming from Distress

Then he mercilessly raised the dagger in his hand and stabbed at the heart of his left chest. Even Mr. Jing, who was watching from below, frowned slightly, and he could not see any tendency of Murong Xiao to be merciless.

Only Qian Yeming knew that Murong Xiao's seemingly vicious move just now was actually the greatest mercy to him.Because Murong Xiao knew that his heart was on the right chest, not the left chest.

And when she attacked him, he clearly saw her eyes.

Although he was sure that he had just met this woman for the first time, she had already shocked him too much.

But now, even though they were having an electric confrontation without any words, he understood what she meant.

According to her intention, Qian Yeming kicked Murong Xiao mercilessly, this kick carried strong internal force.

Seeing this, Murong Xiao's complexion changed slightly, he quickly dodged, and rushed directly to the side of the hidden guards who had already formed a circle of encirclement.

Because of Murong Xiao's pounce and Qian Yeming's internally powerful kick, the two hidden guards who had just formed an encirclement broke away.

Seeing this, the other guards flew forward to catch Murong Xiao who was kicked by Qian Yeming.

This is the daughter of the Murong Mansion, who is valued by the master and must not be lost at all.

At the moment when some of the hidden guards were scattered, and some reached out to help Murong Xiao, a cicada cry came from Qian Yeming's mouth.

"Come on!"

After hearing the master's order, the two guards flew out while the hidden guards reached out to support Murong Xiao's figure, and disappeared into the night together with Qian Yeming in the blink of an eye.

And when Murong Qingyun returned to the mansion in the carriage and entered the gate, he saw the scene where Murong Xiao was kicked away by the man in black, and the man in black fled from another direction.


Murong Qingyun's complexion changed slightly, she flew out of the carriage, and flew towards Murong Xiao's direction.

Murong Qingyun's lightness kung fu was amazing, when he quickly came to Murong Xiao's side, the two guards beside him were just getting ready to make meat pads.

Just when Murong Xiao was about to land on them, Murong Qingyun had already arrived, picked up Murong Xiao, flew up and spun around, and landed like a whirlwind.

"Xiaoer, how is it? Did you get hurt?"

Seeing Murong Qingyun's concerned eyes, Murong Xiao frowned slightly.

On the one hand, she resents the feeling of being touched or hugged by Murong Qingyun.On the other hand, in her memory, Murong Qingyu and Murong Qingyun should have come back very late, why did they come back now?
Seeing that Murong Xiao frowned and didn't answer him, Murong Qingyun thought that Murong Xiao was seriously injured, and without waiting for her to reply, he yelled at the group of people behind him: "Come here, quickly examine the eldest lady's injuries!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but walk towards Yunwu Pavilion with Murong Xiao in his arms.

"Qingyun, let me down quickly, I'm fine. The man in black didn't kick me at all just now. I avoided it before I was kicked by him. I can walk by myself. Please let me down. This way It's not good to hold me down."

Murong Qingyun retorted unhappily: "Who dares to say that this is not good for us? What is wrong with us? You were injured, and as my own brother, I carried you back to my boudoir, what's wrong with that? Love to talk go!"

Murong Qingyun hugged Murong Xiao very tightly, seeing that breaking free was futile, Murong Xiao could only endure the disgust and disgust in his heart, and let Murong Qingyun carry her back to Yunwu Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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