Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 61 The Hidden Real Chapter

Chapter 61 The Hidden Truth

Soon, the doctor from the mansion came to treat Murong Xiao.Except for the severe heat stroke diagnosed in the morning, Murong Xiao didn't have any external or internal injuries.Only then did Murong Qingyun calm down from her anxious heart.

It took about a quarter of an hour after everything subsided before the fire in the study was completely extinguished.Half of the entire study was burned down by the fire, and many important documents and materials were burned.

When he found the man in black, Mr. Jing ordered his subordinates to go to the palace to inform Murong Qingyu that he had gone, so not long after Murong Qingyun came back, Murong Qingyu also rushed back to the Marshal's Mansion.

"What's going on?" Murong Qingyu's face was serious. Although he was very angry about the burning of the study and the escape of the gangster, he still kept a high level of calm and asked unhurriedly.

For Murong Qingyu, even Murong Xiao had to give him a thumbs up.

This person is worthy of being a seasoned veteran. Not only is he cautious in doing things on weekdays, but he has extraordinary skills, and he is even more calm when encountering troubles.Such a person is indeed a formidable opponent.

Just now, after Murong Qingyu came back, he immediately called all the people related to this matter to the conference hall, and then called them in wave after wave for questioning.

Murong Xiao, Murong Qingyu, Mr. Jing and the secret guard, as well as Murong Xiao's maids and servants, were the first to be called in.

"Jing, you speak first."

Mr. Jing is his most trusted subordinate, so Jing's words can give him a preliminary understanding and judgment of the whole situation.

"This subordinate was patrolling the mansion, and saw three black shadows from a long distance, as if they were coming from the study. At that time, the distance was too far, and this subordinate was afraid of being alarmed, so he signaled the hidden guards of the mansion to surround them from all directions.

They probably wanted to use the Yunwu Pavilion to leave from the courtyard wall behind the Marshal's Mansion, and when they sneaked to the Yunwu Pavilion, they were surrounded and intercepted by their subordinates and hidden guards.

Those three people's martial arts skills are extremely high, especially the leader, whose internal strength is not inferior to that of his subordinates.Not long after the subordinates and the hidden guards fought with them, there were shouts of fire from the study.Immediately there was chaos in the mansion.

Later, when the subordinates were fighting with the man in black and fell into a stalemate, the eldest lady suddenly rushed out from behind and stabbed the head man in black with a dagger in the heart, but the man in black avoided him.

The eldest lady was almost injured, and the man in black and his two subordinates took advantage of the situation to escape. "

When Mr. Jing stated the whole thing, he fully adhered to the objective facts, did not zoom in or zoom out at all, and did not add anything based on his own judgment.But only the fact that he and Qian Yeming stopped at the same time because of Murong Xiao's intervention when the fight was fierce.

"Qingyun, tell me."

Jing and Qingyun are the people he trusts the most, so he listens to their words first.Then ask them one by one according to their words.

"Just as I was about to return to the mansion, I saw the dark guards hurrying towards the palace, and I found out that the house had been burglarized after I asked. I hurried back, and what I saw was the man in black kicking Xiao'er away." , took the opportunity to escape."

The words of the two people he trusted the most were that Murong Xiao was hurt by the man in black. From this point of view, this matter should have little to do with Murong Xiao.

However, this does not mean that Murong Xiao is not suspected.

The Marshal's Mansion is not only heavily guarded, but also poisonous. Without the help of spies in the mansion, it is absolutely impossible for visitors to come and go freely in the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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