Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 621 Restoration of the Chamber of Commerce of the Six Countries

Chapter 621 Restoration of the Chamber of Commerce of the Six Nations
If they switch to the South Vietnamese camp, the countries may lose double benefits.

So after weighing it over and over again, everyone had to acquiesce.

"Since everyone agrees that the Northern Wei Dynasty will participate, our competition today has become six nations. As in the past, the competition will be conducted by drawing lots. Ten people from each country will participate in the competition, and there will be a total of thirty rounds. Participants only have one chance to participate and are not allowed to participate repeatedly.

Although it is a martial arts competition, as long as both parties agree, competitions of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting can also be held.However, due to the lack of judges, it is recommended that everyone should focus on martial arts competitions.

Before the competition, the organizing committee of the competition will put forward the financial requirements of the two parties in the competition, and the competition can only be carried out after the two parties agree.The party that loses in the competition must meet the request made by the victor.The specific implementation will be discussed at the chamber of commerce after the competition.

Do you have any comments or suggestions? "

Because the competition format of each chamber of commerce is the same, no one raised any doubts after the master of ceremonies finished speaking.


After a resonant drum sound sounded, the competition officially began.

"The emperor please draw lots to choose the country that will participate in the first round."

Emperor Dezheng stood up and randomly drew two sticks in the middle, on which suddenly read: Nanyue and Dongxiang.

After seeing the word "Dongxiang", Emperor Dezheng smiled and looked at Dongfang Ming on his left.

"Prince Dongfang, Dongxiang and Nanyue are neighboring countries. I believe that the people of Nanyue are very willing to see our cooperation with Dongxiang. This is our first rival country, and I chose Dongxiang. This is also our fate."

In Nanyue, except for the staff of the Marshal's Mansion named Jing who participated in the Chamber of Commerce every time, he was very skilled, the rest were better than Murong Qingyu and Murong Qingyun.

It is no wonder that Emperor Dezheng is so afraid of the Marshal's Mansion but has to rely on the Marshal's Mansion. It has to be said that almost all the people who can take care of Nanyue are in the Marshal's Mansion.Although there are still a few people with good martial arts strength, these people who make Emperor Dezheng feel at ease are all guarding the frontier at the moment.

Dongfang Ming smiled, and he was very happy that Nanyue could choose him.Because among the six countries, Nanyue and Dongxiang both worship culture, and their military strength is the weakest.

Moreover, Dongxiang hired a lot of money this time, and invited several very skilled people.Even if Emperor Dezheng planned to let people from the Marshal's Mansion play at the beginning, but a person can only compete once, even if he loses, he will definitely be able to get back in the next game.

Dongfang Ming clasped his fists and said: "Emperor Nanyue is right. Dongxiang and Nanyue are neighboring countries. The economic and trade exchanges between the two countries directly benefit the common people. Dongxiang should be the first to participate in such a good thing. Please ask the emperor Nanyue to make a price."

"I heard that Dongxiang discovered a batch of gold mines in the western border area not long ago, but the mines are at the junction of Nanyue and Dongxiang. I hope that Nanyue and Dongxiang can mine these gold mines together. Of course, this batch of gold You Dongxiang discovered the mine, after we mine it together, let’s share it, how about it?”

Emperor Dezheng's words almost stunned Dongfang Ming's blood!
These gold mines were just discovered by his people, and he only received the information after he was about to arrive in South Vietnam. Up to now, even Dongfang Xing and his father didn't know about it.

For the mine is indeed on the junction,
(End of this chapter)

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