Chapter 622

He also wanted to secretly dig up the gold mine and put it in the small treasury, and if there was any change in Dongfang Xing, he would still be able to recruit troops.Unexpectedly, Emperor Dezheng's eyes and ears could reach such a terrifying level.

Fortunately for him, no one knew about the remote location of the gold mine, and South Vietnam definitely didn't know about it.But now seeing Emperor Dezheng smiling like a thief, he almost wanted to rush up and tear his face off!
"Emperor Nanyue, not to mention whoever discovered this gold mine since ancient times, whoever gets it first. Just say that this land boundary, although it is located at the junction, but the gold mine is facing Dongxiang. It originally belonged to me, Dongxiang. How can things be separated? The business meeting of the five countries is about economics, not robbery!"

Seeing Dongfang Ming's color change, Emperor Dezheng was in a great mood.The prince told him this news last night when Dongfang Ming formed an alliance with the prime minister's mansion, but he didn't expect to use it immediately.

At this time, Dongfang Xing's expression on the side also changed suddenly, and there was more or less gloating in his eyes.

He discovered the gold mine and did not report it to his father, so he wanted to take it for himself.Now Nanyue found out that he couldn't steal it for himself... It seems that there is no need for him to trip Dongfang Ming, he will fall into a shit because of this matter!
"Prince Dongfang, what you said is wrong. If anyone who sees everything will be more expensive, then I have taken a fancy to your Dongxiang's throne. Does that mean that the throne belongs to me?

Gold mines are scarce, and they are on the border between Nanyue and Dongxiang, which is a land shared by the two countries.I have already agreed with you to divide it into [-]%. If Prince Dongxiang still quits, then this matter will be hard to say.

The envoys from various countries commented that this gold mine is already on the border between Dongxiang and Nanyue, but Dongxiang wants to monopolize it. Is this reasonable? "

"Prince Dongfang, everyone understands how you feel. However, this gold mine is on the border, and it really shouldn't be monopolized by the Western Jin Dynasty. Since there are such good conditions today, why don't you all solve it through a contest?"

Glancing at the meddling Wanyan Qing, Dongfang Ming snorted, and said coldly: "Okay, just compare. The prince's request is that if Dongxiang wins, all the gold mines will belong to Dongxiang." , don’t even think about getting involved with a piece of South Vietnam’s gold!”

"Okay! It's a deal!" Emperor Dezheng said confidently: "But don't forget, Prince Dongfang, that I, Nanyue, are the hosts. If you lose, you will lose twice as much! In other words, [-]% of the gold mine At that time, it will be owned by South Vietnam!"


"Hey, Prince Dongfang, it's not that you don't know that Nanyue is the host. Since you just agreed, how can you go back on your word?"

Dongfang Ming gritted his silver teeth again and again, and finally decided: "Since Nanyue is the host, the loss is double. If Nanyue loses, not only will he not get the gold mine, but he will also lose 20 taels of gold to Dongxiang. How about it?" ?”

He still doesn't know how big the gold mine is, and his people have just discovered this batch of gold mines, so 20 taels of gold is already a very large number in his consciousness.

Emperor Dezheng raised his eyebrows and said happily: "Okay! It's a deal!"

Although this batch of gold mines has not yet been mined, and it is not known how much gold is inside, the prince once told him that this batch of gold mines is the largest gold mine found in the entire Kyushu continent.Since it was the largest, a mere 20 taels of gold was definitely worth a shot.

(End of this chapter)

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