Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 910 Don't Open Your Mouth

Chapter 910 Don't Open Your Mouth
Qian Yeming was still whipping Yelv Jingcun's corpse.

At this moment, all the bones in Yelv Jingcun's body have been smashed into pieces, turning into a pile of limp rotten meat. I really don't even know his mother anymore.

Murong Xiao frowned slightly.Regarding Yelu Jingcun, she would not have any objection to his death a hundred times more tragically, but the appearance of Qian Yeming at this moment made Murong Xiao feel very uncomfortable.

"Ming!" Murong Xiao stretched out his hand to caress the back of Qian Yeming's hand, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face, which was as gorgeous as a deadly poppy, instantly returned to normal because of Murong Xiao's calling and stroking.

The deep red in the eyes was instantly replaced by a smear of blackness, but that kind of black was no longer like the star-like black before, but a kind of deathly silence that almost swallowed people and escaped into hell.

"Ming, don't be angry. Yelv Jingcun is just addicted to his mouth. With him, what ability can he do to me?"

As soon as the sound of Murong's joke fell, Qian Yeming embraced him heavily.

"Mouth addiction, why does he have such a mouth addiction? Since he has a cheap mouth, then don't want that mouth."

After finishing speaking, he wrapped Murong Xiao with one arm, and whipped Yelu Jingcun's mouth with the other hand holding the cane, and gently pulled with his true energy——

Yelv Jingcun, who had long been dead, was torn off his face with his mouth and cheeks by the rattan.His face, which was already so dead that even his mother couldn't recognize it, is now dead to the underworld. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time to identify his identity.

Seeing the lord's almost cruel and crazy deeds, not only the Storm players, but even Blast and Qingfeng were secretly sucking air in their hearts.

Before, they saw that the master was so childish that he would even eat Xiao Tao's jealousy, and they thought he was just joking.Now, judging from Yelv Jingcun's death because of a single sentence, it can be seen that the Lord loves his wife so much that she is crazy in love.

Otherwise, if it is normal, it is generally impossible to do such a thing.

Although they also felt that the wife deserved the Lord's love, they were worried that if something happened to the wife, the situation of the Lord... They couldn't imagine such a situation, and they didn't dare to imagine it.

In the shock and silence of everyone, Qian Yeming said: "No one is allowed to miss you, no one is allowed to hurt you, if anyone wants to hurt you, Xiao misses you, speaks ill of you, I will make him not Good death! No one can be an exception!"

Qian Yeming buried Murong Xiao's face in his arms, listening to his muffled words, although he was moved, he was more worried.

How long ago had she weighed so much in his heart?What is it that makes him look extremely normal on weekdays, but once he has anything to do with her, he will immediately become another person, so bloodthirsty and crazy?
She didn't know that when Yelv Jingcun said that he would put her under him, the previous life that only Murong Xiao had experienced appeared in front of his eyes.

He saw the scene when Murong Xiao was being bullied with a big belly that was about to give birth, but he fell to the side and was helpless.

His mother and queen looked at her daughter-in-law and grandson who were about to be born in a pool of blood with cold eyes, but she didn't seem to lend a helping hand at all.

He hates it!He is angry!
If these people were by his side at this moment, at that moment just now, he would definitely kill them without mercy.including that which gave him life,
(End of this chapter)

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