Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 911 Little Tao, go!

Chapter 911 Little Tao, go!

The woman he called his queen mother.

He didn't know why he saw that scene suddenly just now, so he couldn't control his mind.

As for Yelv Jingcun, he can only blame his bad luck!
Although the mountain was nearly a thousand meters high, the continuous and extremely terrifying screams still attracted the attention of the people down the mountain.

"No, the prince is in danger!"

A Xiliang general who was strangling the Han family and the Mo family turned pale, knowing that something serious must have happened on the mountain, he left the Han family and the Mo family in an instant, and quickly went to the mountain to besiege with [-] troops.

Just when the general left with his soldiers and quickly ran towards the top of the mountain, Yelu Boyan also arrived with the soldiers who had already ambushed in the desert.

The original one-sided trend began to change drastically after Yelv Boyang joined.

Yelu Boyang rode on a camel, took out a roll of bright yellow from his bosom, held it up high, and shouted: "The emperor of Xiliang decreed that the golden palace is a national treasure of Xiliang, and no one can take it for himself. Otherwise, they will be punished as conspiracy and treason!"

Yelu Boyan's voice sounded, and there was a short pause on the battlefield.Soon, everyone automatically ignored it and fought together again.What's more, they even directly attacked Yelu Boyan.

"Idiot!" Yelu Boyang slashed a knife to death a person who was trying to misbehave him, and shouted again: "Yelu Jingcun, this is the imperial edict of the father, as the prince, do you want to take the lead in resisting the decree and disrespect it?" ?
Are you really going to be the villain for a golden palace?Are you really planning to rebel as the prince? "

After the words fell, Yelv Jingcun did not answer.

The soldiers under him waited for a long time but did not hear their master giving orders. The general who led them was not there at the moment, and they were already red-eyed. The soldiers who had always seen only the queen and no emperor started to move again.

Yelu Boyang yelled a few more times, and saw that those people not only ignored him, but attacked the teacher of the Son of Heaven instead.In desperation, the commander fought with Yelv Jingcun's soldiers.

The already chaotic scene was even more chaotic now because of Yelu Boyang's joining.

"3 people have come up, what should we do?" Murong asked with a smile.

"What can I do, I can only rely on Xiao Tao. Xiao Tao, solve these 3 people."

This time it was Qian Yeming who gave the order, but Xiao Tao did not disobey his words.

It is gluttonous, one of the four ancient fierce beasts, and its nature is the root of all evil.If it hadn't become a divine beast now, otherwise it would prefer whoever was more evil to it.

Just now, Qianyeming's perverted killing made the evil hidden deep in his heart start to move around. In addition, these people were so unruly towards its master, which made it very angry.

The itching in his heart was unbearable, Qian Yeming ordered it to kill, a red light flashed across Xiao Tao's eyes, and he sucked down the mountain.

The general who was leading his soldiers quickly climbing up the mountain watched in horror as the [-] soldiers under him were all dismembered in an instant, and then flew towards the mountain.

The general was scared out of his wits in an instant, rolling and crawling down the mountain.

But he is fast, that suction is faster than him.

The general only felt a chill in his hands and legs, and looked at his hands and feet with a burst of shock and fear.It's okay if you don't see it,

(End of this chapter)

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