ace warm marriage

Chapter 1006 Using Things to Balance

Chapter 1006

While chatting, Zhengdong and his wife brought up the issue of consultation fees.

The two of them didn't beat around the bush, but asked directly: "Doctor Sheng, how do you pay for the consultation fee when you see us?"

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the two of them, and then said: "The consultation fee is fine, and I happened to be giving free consultations to the villagers these two days. However, the medicine I will give you will need to be bought later."

The two were overjoyed when they heard that the consultation fee was free, but when they heard that the medicine needed money to buy, they couldn't help becoming worried again, and asked, "Then, how much does the medicine cost?"

"When my medicine is sold to others, the price is very expensive."

When the couple heard that the price was very expensive, their hearts were suspended.The couple know how to farm, so they don't have much money.

Sheng Fenghua looked at the nervous couple, curled his lips slightly, then looked at Yu'e and said, "I heard from Xiaodouzi that he picked up some writing on the wall. I don't know if it is still there. Not here?"

"You want that thing?" Zhengdong looked up at Sheng Fenghua and asked.

"I want to take a look at that thing, what do you two think?"

"What if we don't? Are you not going to treat us?" Zhengdong looked at Sheng Fenghua warily and asked.

"You think too much. I never give up halfway. The treatment will definitely help you, but the medicine must be paid for."

"How much, how much?"

"1000 yuan!"

"What? 1000 yuan, so much?"

"Is 1000 yuan too much? Yes, 1000 yuan may be a lot in your eyes. But have you ever thought that 1000 yuan can allow you to have your own children. If you do the math, you won't think it's too much."

"Yes, but..."

Watching the two talking for a long time, neither of them finished their words.There was nothing Sheng Fenghua didn't understand, so he laughed and said, "You want to say that you have no money, don't you?"

The couple nodded at the same time.

The smile on Sheng Fenghua's face became thicker, and he said, "Can you use something to offset it?"

"But we don't have anything of value?"

"Not necessarily."

"You mean the stuff that Xiaodouzi pulled out?"

"Whether that thing is worth money or not can only be known after seeing it." Sheng Fenghua didn't finish his sentence, and it was uncertain whether that thing was what she wanted.

Therefore, she had to look at it before she could determine the value of that thing.

"His mother, go and show her the things." Zhengdong took a look at Yu'e and ordered.

"But..." Yu'e hesitated, it was something Xiaodouzi found.She promised Xiaodouzi that she would keep it for him and give it to him when he grows up.

"Why, sister-in-law doesn't want to?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Yu'e with cold eyes.

"No, it's not!" Yu'e waved her hand and said, "It's just that it belongs to Xiaodouzi. I promised him that I would keep it until he grows up."

"Sister-in-law, it's too early for you to worry. If the thing is worthless, I may not take it away, will I?"

"But, but..." Yu'e still hesitated, but Zhengdong thought about it, and then said: "Mother, go, show the things to Dr. Sheng."

"Okay!" Yu'e watched her husband speak, so she had to stand up, and then went back to the house to get her things.

After a while, she came out with a cloth bag.

Yu'e took the cloth bag but did not give it to Sheng Fenghua immediately, but glanced at Zhengdong, and at his signal, opened the cloth bag to reveal the contents inside.

(End of this chapter)

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