ace warm marriage

Chapter 1007 Using Things to Balance

Chapter 1007 Using Items to Balance ([-])

Inside was a palm-sized pamphlet that looked old and frayed around the corners.

Looking at the pamphlet, Sheng Fenghua's eyes flickered slightly.This is very similar to the booklet with evidence that Ning Minglie said, it seems to be this thing.

Yu'e picked up the booklet and handed it to Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua opened the booklet and read it.Sure enough, it was Ning Minglie's handwriting.

The booklet was not very thick, and Sheng Fenghua quickly finished flipping through it and closed it.

"Doctor Sheng, how are you? What's written in this booklet?" Zheng Dong watched Sheng Fenghua flip through the booklet a few times, and asked with his heart slightly raised.

If this brochure is not something of value, if they are really asked to spend 1000 yuan to buy medicine, they will definitely not be able to take it out.

Not to mention 1000 yuan, all the money they have on them adds up, and they don't even have 300 yuan.

"It is not convenient for me to tell you what is written in this booklet. However, what I can tell you is that this booklet is useless in your hands."

"Then, can this booklet be used for the medicine money?" Zhengdong asked again.This is what he cares most about. He doesn't want half of his illness to be cured, but let it go because he has no money to buy medicine.

If that's the case, it's better not to watch it.

"This brochure is of some use to me. So, if you are willing, I will take this brochure and treat it as you paying for the medicine."

"This?" Yu'e was naturally happy when she heard that she could pay for the medicine.But when she thought that Sheng Fenghua was going to take this booklet away, she hesitated.

Seeing Yu'e's hesitation, Sheng Fenghua put down the brochure directly, and then said: "If sister-in-law is not willing, then forget it."

Seeing Sheng Fenghua like this, Yu'e became worried again. She worried that if the booklet was not given, the medicine would not be available.

So, after thinking about it, she asked again: "Doctor Sheng, is this booklet really useless to us?"

"If you don't believe me, you can find Xiaodouzi. I heard that he can recognize some characters now, so you can ask him to come and have a look." Sheng Fenghua glanced at Yu'e lightly and said.

This thing is only useful to her, it is of no use to anyone else at all.Not only that, but it could also bring disaster.

Of course, if the husband and wife insist on keeping it, she has no objection.

Although she flipped through it casually just now, she memorized the contents inside.So, it's the same whether she takes the brochure or not.

After hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, Zhengdong and Yu'e looked at each other, and then called Xiaodouzi over.

Seeing the two doing this, Sheng Fenghua didn't say anything, just sat aside and watched quietly.

Xiaodouzi came in front of several people, and when he saw the pamphlet, his eyes lit up.The pamphlet, he remembered, he had plucked off the wall.

"Dad, Mom, do you have anything to do with me?" Xiaodouzi turned his eyes away from the booklet, and then glanced at his parents.

"Little Douzi, you are already literate. See what is written in this booklet?" Zhengdong picked up the booklet and handed it to Xiaodouzi.

Xiaodouzi glanced at his father, then at Sheng Fenghua, and then opened it to read.

"Little Douzi, read it to your father." Sheng Fenghua suddenly asked Xiaodouzi to read it, firstly to convince Zhengdong and the others that the booklet was really of no use to them.The second is to let them know that this booklet is not a good thing for them.

(End of this chapter)

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