ace warm marriage

Chapter 1015 Say yes or no

Chapter 1015 Say Yes or Not ([-])

"Girl, you will pay for your life if you kill someone. Aren't you afraid that the police will take you away?" The man's face turned ugly. He saw the seriousness in Sheng Fenghua's eyes, and saw that what she said was not a joke.


"Afraid you will kill me again?"

"That's no way, who made you unwilling to cooperate. If you are willing to cooperate, I am not willing to kill people."

"You?" The man was a little annoyed, but he had nothing to do with Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua looked at the other party coldly, his face darkened, and said, "I'll give you another chance, tell me who you are and why you want to arrest me?"

"I..." As soon as the man opened his mouth, Sheng Fenghua interrupted directly, and said, "I advise you to think it over and say it, don't think I'm scaring you. It's still easy for me to kill a person. "

As soon as these words came out, the man immediately swallowed his perfunctory words, and then looked at Sheng Fenghua with an angry face.

"Say, or not?" Sheng Fenghua became a little impatient, and his tone became a little irritable.The main purpose of her coming here was to find Ye Qingge.As for these issues, if this man really doesn't want to talk about it, there's no need for her to waste her time like this.

"I, I say!" The man gritted his teeth and spit out a few words from his mouth, and then pretended to say something, but in fact he was observing Sheng Fenghua, wanting to strike when she let down her vigilance.

But who was Sheng Fenghua, he saw through the man's plan at a glance, so he didn't bother, and pulled the trigger directly.

When the man saw that Sheng Fenghua was not fooled, but was really ready to do something, he was frightened immediately.Then he said loudly: "Grandma, don't, don't shoot, I said, can't I say it?"

"Be honest, tell me!" Sheng Fenghua shook the gun in his hand, and the man calmed down immediately, and said, "Yes, the people above want to arrest you."

"Who is the person above?" Sheng Fenghua frowned tightly.She has long seen that this person is not the one who makes the final decision.

"I, I can't say."

"It seems that you really don't want to live anymore."

"Grandma, please forgive me, I really can't say."

"Okay, let me change the question, who are you?" Sheng Fenghua asked with a flicker of eyes.As long as you know who they are, it is easy to find out who is behind the scenes.

The man didn't speak for a while, Sheng Fenghua's face darkened, and he said: "You won't tell me, you can't say this, right?"

As soon as the words finished, a pleasant male voice sounded behind Sheng Fenghua, "Girl, he won't say it, let me tell you."

Hearing the sound, Sheng Fenghua was secretly startled, and quickly turned his head to look behind him.The man who was pointed at by Sheng Fenghua with a gun, saw Sheng Fenghua turn his head, his eyes flashed, and he planned to take the opportunity to attack her.

I don't want to, but Sheng Fenghua seems to have eyes behind his back. Before the man can sneak up on him, he has already pulled the trigger and killed him with a single shot.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua kill his subordinates like this, the man who spoke turned ugly, and then suddenly said: "Come on, take her down for me!"

As soon as the sound fell, several men in black clothes rushed in from the door.

Sheng Fenghua glanced lightly at the men in black who rushed in, and then set his eyes on the man who gave the order.

The man has a feminine face. I don't know if it is Sheng Fenghua's illusion. I feel like I have seen this man before.

But I can't remember exactly where I saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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