ace warm marriage

Chapter 1016 Say yes or no

Chapter 1016 Say Yes or Not ([-])

"Sheng Fenghua, Doctor Sheng?" The feminine man looked at Sheng Fenghua and said coolly.

"Who are you?" Sheng Fenghua looked at the feminine man coldly and asked coldly.

"My surname is Ye, Ye Qingquan!"

"Ye Qingquan?" Sheng Fenghua was startled, how could this name be so similar to his mother's name, only the last letter was missing.

Sheng Fenghua knew that only people of the same family and generation would have such similar names.Could it be that Ye Qingquan is also from the Ye family?
Thinking of this possibility, Sheng Fenghua frowned slightly, and said, "I don't know you."

"Of course you don't know me, but you must know Ye Qingge, right?"

Sheng Fenghua heard the words, his eyes flashed, and said: "Who is Ye Qingge, I don't know."

"You don't know?" Ye Qingquan sneered, looking at Sheng Fenghua, trying to see something from her face or eyes.

It's a pity that he was disappointed, both Sheng Fenghua's face and her expression were very calm, nothing could be seen.

Could it be that she really didn't know Ye Qingge.Why does she look so similar to Ye Qingge?
"I don't know!" Sheng Fenghua answered very simply, which made Ye Qingquan even more difficult to judge.

At this time, those men in black had already surrounded Sheng Fenghua and Ye Qingquan, and planned to arrest Sheng Fenghua.However, how could Sheng Fenghua let those people catch him, not to mention that he still had a bargaining chip in front of him.

So, without waiting for those people to approach him, Sheng Fenghua's foot slipped, and he quickly shot towards Ye Qingquan.Ye Qingquan didn't expect that Sheng Fenghua would attack suddenly, let alone that she was so powerful that she didn't react for a while, and was directly caught by Sheng Fenghua and controlled in her hands.

Ye Qingquan was caught by Sheng Fenghua, and his face was very ugly.In his own territory, in front of so many subordinates, he was actually captured by a woman as a hostage?
Sheng Fenghua didn't care what Ye Qingquan thought, after controlling him, he asked directly: "Where is the dungeon, take me there."

"Are you going to the dungeon?" Ye Qingquan was startled, looking at Sheng Fenghua.It never occurred to her that she was going to the dungeon.

He knew exactly who was imprisoned in the dungeon of this villa.Sheng Fenghua had clearly said before that he didn't know Ye Qingge, but now she was going to the dungeon, and she lied to him.

Sure enough, the woman's words were simply unbelievable.

The more Ye Qingquan thought about it, the more ugly his face became. He raised his head to look at his subordinates and shouted: "Trash, why are you so dazed, why don't you hurry up and save me?"

"Want to save someone in my hands?" Sheng Fenghua sneered when he heard the words, took out a silver needle from his body, stabbed it directly at Ye Qingquan's body, and said, "Take me to the dungeon if you are wise, otherwise I will directly make you a useless person. Don't doubt my words, I will do what I say."

"Of course, if you really want to doubt me, then look at him." Sheng Fenghua pointed at the man she shot to death, and said, "This is what happens if you don't believe my words."

Ye Qingquan's face turned dark, and he hated Sheng Fenghua in his heart.She swore to herself that when he was out of danger, she would make Sheng Fenghua look good.How dare to attack him and take him as a hostage, it is an insult to him.

"Let's go!" Sheng Fenghua glanced at Ye Qingquan lightly, as if he didn't see his ugly face.

Ye Qingquan had no choice but to give Sheng Fenghua a hard look, and then walked forward.

"I'm warning you, it's best not to play tricks, or you will be the one who will suffer in a while." Sheng Fenghua reminded lightly, and then walked forward with Ye Qingquan.

(End of this chapter)

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